Example sentences of "he had [verb] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 He had hoped for some more kumquats , the man in the bed next to him having peeled them all .
2 He had posed for that portrait at the age of twenty-two ; a year later he was in the Crimea .
3 The seaman — Gustave continued as if this were the best story he had heard for many years — apparently claimed that he had no notion of how the section of mast had reached the position in which it was found .
4 ’ And he had stood for several minutes in the passage , paralysed with embarrassment , and shame and chagrin .
5 Further , his duties were substantially a continuation of those which he had undertaken for several years in connection with Tutorial Classes and the annual summer school arrangements .
6 He had become for most a distant , shadowy figure , only seldom to be seen now in newsreels , hardly ever speaking to the nation , and no longer being seen in public .
7 He had served for many years in India , where he was awarded the VC for action during the Mutiny and eventually ended up as Commander in Chief .
8 Born at the end of the thirteenth century in the Yorkshire village of Thornton-le-dale , he had studied for some years at Oxford , sponsored by Thomas Neville , Archdeacon of Durham .
9 He had searched for this assassin by silent threat and bribery but so far had discovered nothing .
10 He went home feeling better than he had done for some time but he died suddenly during sleep 3 days later , presumably from a breakthrough cardiac arrythmia .
11 The tearing pain returned and the doctor prescribed large doses of morphia which he had kept for this time .
12 The journey was the longest he had ridden for several years and he was feeling his age .
13 Through George Wigg I became reasonably close to Richard Crossman who consulted me on a number of occasions — I have already described the Spectator libel case — but who , I must confess , turned out to be a disappointment to me , since the reputation he had earned for more than occasional unreliability I found to be entirely justified .
14 He had known for some time that it was inevitable .
15 Carter he had known for some ten years , firstly at Shrivenham , three miles away in the Vale of the White Horse , and now at Watchfield .
16 The mistake was made even more stupid by the fact that he had known for some time the big tides were due .
17 She was a woman he had known for several years now ; one with whom he had never slept ; one who half repelled , and ever half attracted him .
18 He completed two books of historical essays , The Age of Scandal ( 1950 ) and The Scandal Monger ( 1952 ) , and a translation of a medieval bestiary ( The Book of Beasts , 1954 ) , on which he had laboured for many years .
19 Picture the poor miner cursing the mis-fired hole upon which he had laboured for several hours .
20 She lost him then and had to search and found him eventually curled up amid the wiring in the back of the record-player where he had n't hidden for a long time , not since two dark-haired people who were into black magic had come to dinner and he had disappeared for half a day until she found his secret hole .
21 In God 's purposes Jesus had already gone to the cross , he was alre , hi his , his natural fate if you like , was already sealed , he had come for this purpose , he had come to die .
22 ‘ I think he had come for some sort of show .
23 He had to think for several seconds before he came out with , " Moi , je suis Italien . "
24 On his return , he found that people were curious about why he had opted for such a tough mountain .
25 He had worked hard all his life and had served his country for four years and was looking forward to retirement in the home he had worked for all his days .
26 His explanation that he had worked for several years for one master , until his employer had died , mollified Jonadab a little .
27 Instead he had worked for several years for Lintas , the advertising agency owned by Unilever , only abandoning this job a few months before war broke out in order to concentrate for a period entirely on his painting .
28 Despite the fact that he had worked for most of the period of his contract in England , lived in England , was paid in English currency and paid National Insurance contributions in the UK , he was at all times liable to be recalled to Dhaka .
29 Another man , a colleague in the newspaper industry in London , left the office where he had worked for most of his adult life to travel home for the weekend .
30 But he had wished for more than that .
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