Example sentences of "he would [adv] [vb infin] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One of my own patients grew up in a loving family where it was assumed that he would eventually study law — just like his grandfather , his father and his uncle .
2 He would even throw chairs , and when this happened we quickly made for the exit .
3 Nigel , for one , often used to exaggerate his nationalism , much to the annoyance of his older sister , Laura ; he would blimpishly express contempt for foreigners , in particular the French .
4 If a freeholder stood in no immediate need of a government office for himself , he would normally have sons or other relatives to provide for , and what other outlets were open to younger sons or brothers without capital save patronage appointments ?
5 He would willingly do homage to whoever was selected .
6 One officer who had worked with him during his short stay in the force laughingly told colleagues that this ‘ college man ’ definitely had one arrest — because he would willingly recall details of his big moment for anyone who was prepared to listen .
7 Claverhouse then asked if he was prepared to ‘ take the test ’ — to swear , firstly , that he acknowledged the king as head of the Kirk and , secondly , that he would not bear arms against the king .
8 His approach to Madrid , via Extremadura , indicated that , while he wanted to take the capital as quickly as possible , he would not sacrifice thoroughness to speed .
9 Mr Justice Saville said the Commercial Court was a part of the Queen 's Bench and he would not exclude observers unless he was given a good reason to do so .
10 Feathers , who was not Harry 's father , told the court he threw the baby on the bed because he would not stop crying .
11 Like a ringmaster cracking his whip to bring squabbling lions to order , his intervention was rapid and decisive , demonstrating at once that he would not tolerate insubordination and that this applied to everyone .
12 He would not tolerate bullying , especially by two of the stronger members of the section towards one who was weaker and actually ill .
13 Franks led them through some swing doors with a flourish and into another corridor , explaining that normally he would not waste money by taking them to a full editing suite .
14 He would not forget Corbett , a man to be reckoned with .
15 The published policy of the Secretary of State was that he would not grant consent for the total or substantial demolition of a listed building unless he was satisfied that every effort had been made to continue the present use or find an alternative use .
16 Nostalgic for what he would not give twopence to see back
17 Edward for his part had to accommodate himself to political and financial realities , and was prepared to compromise with the commons in return for taxes , though he would not give way on the fundamental issue of the right to choose his own councillors .
18 I think that I heard the Minister of State say that he would not give way .
19 The argument raged for days , then Richard suddenly declared that he would not marry Alys because she had been his father 's mistress and had borne him a son .
20 he would not commit conversion by making jam of strawberries if that were the only mode of preserving them .
21 Aid convoys have been backed up at the border since Monday after Gen Morillon said he would not leave Srebrenica until aid was allowed through .
22 He would not answer questions about the lack of severance pay .
23 Even so , he would not disregard Dublin 's input — ‘ everyone listens , I listen , but the Government should not delay progress in any area where it is possible .
24 Mr Major has repeatedly said that he would not contemplate reform .
25 When Harold Wilson succeeded Hugh Gaitskell as party leader in 1963 , he swore he would not make Gaitskell 's mistake of surrounding himself with elite coteries of policy advisers .
26 He would not attend parade , he would avoid his Commandant .
27 But he was just in passing sentence so that he would not accept money nor shrink from the right way ; and these sentences he gave after careful deliberation with much maturity of judgment .
28 This concession was ignored by the other resistance parties , and Hun Sen said in a speech at the end of the month that he would not accept Sihanouk as SNC chair and did not want to be an SNC vice-chair .
29 Despite an earlier commitment to abide by the result , Savimbi indicated on Sept. 30 that he would not accept defeat as the outcome of the elections .
30 Reza Khan had promised Ironside that he would not depose Ahmad Shah and for a time he did not .
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