Example sentences of "he would [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 On 23 February / 7 March , five days after his accession , Alexander told the ambassadors of Austria and Prussia that in foreign affairs he would adhere to the late tsar 's principles .
2 Dulé was to slip into the sea , then , binding the container of burning pitch to his head with a deep cushioning of reeds in between to prevent him getting burned , he would swim to the ship , gouge a hole in the hull with his knife and , taking dry tinder from a companion swimming alongside him , light spills from the fire and pass them through the walls of the ship , then slip back under the cover of the mangroves and lie in wait for the panic .
3 Pip is initially horrified and recoils from the man but gradually comes to understand , and respond to , Magwitch 's love for him , and tries , with Herbert 's assistance , to smuggle the ex-convict abroad again to save him from the death-sentence he would face as an illegally returned transported criminal .
4 The task of reconciling the various movements and factions was considered one of the most difficult he would face in the months ahead .
5 In the last few minutes he would fumble in a inside pocket , and the Queen in her handbag , and they would quickly run through the formal subjects for discussion .
6 I wonder how long he would last in the emasculated Audit Commission about which the Labour party has talked .
7 He would sympathize with the computer that puts up its little sign , ‘ Memory full ’ .
8 Probably a long way from his home town , he would suffer from the same economic deprivation and social stigmatization experienced by the police strikers in 1919 , without the latter 's support and solidarity .
9 Mr Shahiduddin Postman was a familiar figure at the house : every morning after delivering our mail he would squat outside the front gate , smoking a bidi with the mali , a man to whom he bore a certain resemblance .
10 This is many times what he would earn as a university graduate in Bangladesh .
11 Crawford 's willingness to suffer for the good of the show , beyond the call of duty , was an early example of the masochistic rigours he would endure for the sake of comedy .
12 The young houseman appeared to be consulting a list , and Richard , anxious to help a beginner , tried to indicate that he would bleed from the ears if it was the right thing to do .
13 When the smoke cleared he would switch to the more mature Anita , who produced .
14 Asked last year what he would do about the loss of his top stars , Grigorovich said defiantly : ‘ If the stars leave we will bring up another generation , and when they go , we will bring up another . ’
15 Mr Baughan is in no doubt about what he would do to the attackers .
16 But Mr Walgrave , another Minister of Health decided in nineteen ninety one that he would do with a , a famous thing called Section Thirty Two .
17 So I held my breath when conductor En Shao took the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra through the fastest fourth movement of Tchaikovsky 's 4th symphony I have ever heard , wondering what he would do with the resonations .
18 In a document which contained precious little about what he would do for the future of British agriculture , he had one crumb of comfort for the farmer .
19 He would invade in the east , making no secret of his intention from Northumberland ; and Balliol , necessarily stiffen d by Lord Dacre and Sir Anthony Lucy , the English Middle and West March Wardens respectively , was to march in from Carlisle and Cumbria .
20 Some afternoons he would hide with the Bookman above Mr Crangle 's desk and watch him working .
21 Then , if there was no more work to be done that day , he would hide behind the biggest chair in the sitting room and play with his toys .
22 And then he would arrange for the grave digger to dig the grave .
23 At the same time his pathological detestation of ‘ popery ’ guaranteed that he would vote with the Whigs over great questions of policy , such as the Hanoverian succession and the war with France .
24 But he would vote for the official Labour candidate in a parliamentary election .
25 The right hon. and learned Member for Surrey , East said yesterday that he would vote for the Government because the Prime Minister was clearly determined to follow a path that the right hon. and learned Gentleman favoured .
26 Mr Robert Mayor was n't too sure how he would vote in a council election , because of concern over reports of overspending by the hung Wirral authority and the effect on the poll tax .
27 But he warned that if pensioners on income support and others in real need were not compensated in full he would vote against the VAT imposition at the committee stage of the Finance Bill or when Peter Lilley , the Social Security Secretary , makes his announcement uprating benefits in the autumn .
28 But he warned that if pensioners on income support and others in real need were not compensated in full he would vote against the VAT imposition at a later stage .
29 Will the right hon. Gentleman explain to the House more clearly what sort of involvement he would expect from the DTI ?
30 In due course , he would meet with the Earn , flowing north and east in the opposite direction to add its waters to those of the Tay eight miles east of Scone .
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