Example sentences of "he was [verb] [noun prp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But Guido was there all right ; he must have come back without Ronni knowing , and he was facing Silvia in the enormous hallway , a fulminating tower of bristling black anger .
2 Though it is rare to find consensus among footballers and the media , few on either side had a good , or even printable , word for Toshack in Wales while he was marching Swansea to the top of the hill and down again .
3 ft informed us that he was leaving Salamanca for England on his motor bike , via Cherbourg , and that we could expect him in Bath on a certain day .
4 But he was called Fenny by those who loved him .
5 Itzhak Shamir , the Prime Minister and Likud leader , announced at the end of a Cabinet meeting on Dec. 31 that he was dismissing Weizmann from the Cabinet , claiming that Weizmann had maintained contacts with the PLO over a period of time .
6 He was appointed KCB in 1935 .
7 On retirement he was appointed ADC to Queen Victoria and Lieutenant of the Tower of London .
8 He had addressed such matters in Edinburgh , St Andrews , and would in Glasgow , with an awareness that he was reporting Scotland for an English audience as he might have reported Bavaria or Sweden .
9 On the English side Hugh Calveley , having at first sold his services in Spain to du Guesclin , changed sides and served the Black Prince there in 1367 ; later he was to join John of Gaunt , and he even worked for Richard II in France .
10 He was made FRSL in 1947 .
11 He was elected FSA in 1916 .
12 He was elected A.R.A. in 1939 .
13 On the contrary : emotional attachment to Hitler was rooted in the notion that he represented the ideal of national community and national greatness , that he was leading Germany to greater prosperity , and that , whatever the immediate sacrifices , a bonanza for all was only just over the horizon .
14 He was visiting Vancouver on the programme 's behalf .
15 Dustin never forgot the importance of Henry Livings 's play in his career , and many years later , when he was making Agatha in England , he sought the modest playwright out and took him to lunch at a smart restaurant .
16 He was to face Linford in their first clash since the Commonwealth Games .
17 Or perhaps he had a premonition of the huge effort that lay ahead if he was to extricate France from a crisis in Algeria that had reached the verge of insolubility .
18 ‘ But when Gazza said the word beginning with F while he was representing England on TV before the Norway international , nothing was done .
19 He was to become Vulcan to the Romans .
20 Mike Gatting 's marriage came under public scrutiny while he was captaining England against the West Indies in 1988 .
21 ‘ On one occasion he was playing Byron at the same time as Richard III , ’ says Miss McCulloch .
22 The Constitution allowed the Governor-General no discretion over this , but Eri announced that he was reinstating Diro in his ministerial and parliamentary posts , claiming that to dismiss him would provoke immense social and political upheaval .
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