Example sentences of "he see the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Only then did he see the thin figure of Louis leaning against the saloon bulkhead .
2 Would he see the open bottle of wine ? …
3 His eyes resemble dish-telescopes that seem to look right through his friends , and he sees the psychic energy people emit as an astrophysicist 's radio-telescope ‘ sees ’ sounds bounced off distant galaxies .
4 The feeling is represented through his perception of objects , through the way he sees the outside world .
5 He sees the new blood scheme as one way to redress the balance against over-represented subjects like particle physics .
6 Daily Telegraph cartoonist Nicholas Carland showing how he sees the Prime Minister .
7 He sees the deviant group as creating its own circumstances to the extent that it makes meaningful the societal reactions to it , or better generates meaning for itself in a world whose societal reactions deny them the full status of persons .
8 I believe firmly that John McEnroe is not lying when he says he sees the small print on a tennis ball , and Jackie himself has often referred to his vision as a paramount essential in driving .
9 And he sees the promo-tional side of playing for Leeds as almost as important as the game itself .
10 He sees the younger man 's gun trained on him .
11 He sees the American scene as so stagnant , however , that he may eschew the rock circuit altogether and move more towards the ( deep breath ) US art world .
12 Ghorbanifar remembered how sometimes , driving with him in Europe , North would catch sight of Old Glory : ‘ and when he sees the American flag you can see the change in his eyes .
13 He sees the physical world as a mere ripple or excitation on the giant ocean of universal energy , a fitting metaphor employed by many visionaries of past and present .
14 He sees the grim reaper , and banshees , and the frightened mother from a Kathe Kollwitz lithograph , clutching her children and Kermit the Frog .
15 From the Italian viewpoint at least , he sees the Single Market changes making little difference to how things work .
16 Instead he sees the big idea of this movie : all people are linked by the universal spirit .
17 Like Cutler , he sees the historical source as the conjunction of electric media and black American ‘ folk ’ forms , and , also like Cutler , he insists that the new music is quite distinct from earlier written popular music .
18 When he goes inside , he sees the local grocer with a rather oily expression on his face bustling up to offer him one shiny little book containing a liturgy which neither of them understands , and one shabby little book containing corrupt texts of a number of religious lyrics , mostly bad , and in very small print .
19 ‘ If Herre Christensen likes what we 've done when he sees the full campaign tomorrow . ’
20 Garland ( 1985a , p. 129 ) has made a similar point : although both classical and positivist criminology incorporated a conception of the relationship between the individual and the state , he sees the positivist version as ‘ moving from a liberal mode to a more authoritarian , interventionist one ’ , at least in the case of the early , biological school .
21 He sees the main aim of the Gītā as a call to action .
22 He sees the barren wilderness erased ,
23 Two weeks later , the same friend is walking down Oxford Street when he sees the same man with the same two gorillas .
24 Instead , he gave Carter and his advisers a long talk on how he saw the international situation .
25 Where others were most sharply conscious of the crisis posed for theology by the development of modern culture and the change in our self-awareness , he saw the real crisis as lying in the inability of theology to do justice to its object , and called it to look in the opposite direction from that it had been taking .
26 I found a plumber , but when he saw the solid fuel monster in the kitchen , he paled visibly .
27 In his drugged dreams he saw the silent faces crying ; he saw the loving mouth distorted with grief ; he knew about the humiliation and the want — all his fault , his fault , his responsibility , his wickedness , his weakness , his sin , his sacrificial past , the victim to what end — who was murdered at that powerful stone circle near Keswick ?
28 When he saw the black-haired woman sitting beside the stream , he thought at first she was simply another ephemeral vision transmitted by the trees .
29 As the ground drifted up he saw the barbarian standing stock still , chest heaving , arms hanging loosely by his sides .
30 He saw the aerosoled message : ‘ WE WOZ ‘ ERE ’ .
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