Example sentences of "he could have been [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Nevertheless , it is strange that he should keep such a sum on current account , when he could have been earning two per cent interest . ’
2 Matata poled gracefully ; he could have been punting down the Cam as his pole pushed blue and white water lilies aside .
3 He could have been looking .
4 He could have been composing rubbish for all I was competent to judge , yet that possibility did not enter my head .
5 He could have been warning his receptionist off the line or switching off — or on — a recording device .
6 He could have been writing about van Gogh .
7 Spent ten years writing L'Idiot de la famille when he could have been writing Maoist tracts .
8 ‘ It 's not a pleasant thought that he could have been listening to , and taping , our conversations . ’
9 Speaking at the service in St Nicholas 's Church , Sunderland , Tyne and Wear , he said Sgt Forth , 34 , was killed on a night when he could have been enjoying the festivities at a friend 's wedding .
10 ‘ The evidence extends only as far as the lower scapula , does it not ’ He could have been wearing an off-the-shoulder toga . ’
11 He could have been taking bills . ’
12 He could have been walking on another planet The flat , moonlight illuminated landscape , interrupted by large and small pools of bright water seemed unreal .
13 ‘ From the position of the body I think he could have been sitting on the edge of the bed .
14 He could have been sitting here instead of me . ’
15 That meant he could have been sitting there , looking at her , for all that time .
16 ‘ No one … ’ began Sally-Anne passionately , thinking of all that she had seen since arriving in Vetch Street — the poor creatures in Dr Neil 's surgery , and the even poorer ones who could not afford to go there — and of Dr Neil 's own selflessness letting people off their bills , so that only the small income he still received from an aunt 's legacy allowed him to keep going at all , when he could have been revelling with Stair .
17 Not that we worried about that per se , but he could have been carrying our wages .
18 While agreeing broadly with the England manager 's summing-up of the present Brazilian team , the thought did occur that in another footballing era he could have been describing an Italian side — brilliant in breakaways but giving nothing away at the back .
19 He could have been smiling at anyone .
20 ‘ Well , he could have been defending his own , ’ Theodora said .
21 He could have been giving a traffic broadcast .
22 He could have been talking about Ken Mentle .
23 He was speaking about Yugoslavia — but he could have been talking about the appalling scenes in Somalia or other parts of Africa .
24 ‘ I ca n't imagine what he could have been doing to get cut about like that , but it was n't falling out of a canoe , that I am sure of , ’ she finished , leaning against the low white-painted bookcase in his study .
25 He was dead to the world , so deeply asleep that she wondered what on earth he could have been doing half the night .
26 I mean , there was nowhere else he could have been going .
27 He could have been crying for his mummy .
28 He could have been leading a parade , twirling the baton .
29 He could have been plummeting down to the centre of the earth , in a submarine nudging over the seabed or flying soundlessly through outer space .
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