Example sentences of "he could [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Daniel had explained to her that he liked very simple food that he could eat with one hand , because of his inability to eat without reading , and so , for supper his first night , she had brought him scrambled egg on a piece of toast that she had already cut up into precise and helpful squares .
2 There was no way of explaining this , no parallel that he could reach for other than to say : that he 'd once made a wish , and the wish now appeared to have come true .
3 For a big man , he could move with surprising speed when he wanted to .
4 He was a star by the early Sixties , and then he could move in any circle he wanted . ’
5 He had overcome the main drawback of living in the country at Etten , since now he could associate with other artists , exchange views , be stimulated by the work and lives of others with whom he had something in common .
6 If Balliol was already down a back stair , he could mingle with this crowd of panic-stricken servants and nowise stand out , in his shirt and breeches , since others were in approximately the same state .
7 The reality was that he could walk into any bar or restaurant anywhere in the world and no one would give him a second glance .
8 The level would be reasonably low now , for the autumn had been dry ; and the cold he could bear in such a cause .
9 But erm this was at erm you know , he was a very very intelligent man and you know , he could talk on any subject you know , but this is it .
10 He added that he could choose from several routes which allowed him to halve his travelling time .
11 The situation had altered dramatically , but Nivelle remained confident that he could break through German lines with little loss of life .
12 The thrill of discovering that he could break into secret files spurred Paul on to more daring data raids .
13 Like a laser beam , he could pass through solid objects .
14 He could appear in several different forms and have several identities , and it seems that other deities had the same ability .
15 He could think of two of his fellow students who might be suitable but they too had degree courses to finish and Adam was beginning to think very seriously of not returning to college .
16 There were so many reasons he could think of that stood in the way of his emulating Sebastian Smith of Greycoats that he could not start to list them .
17 He could think of worse .
18 He could think of better ways to start the day .
19 The busker who plays Chariots Of Fire on a Casio organ at Bank would leave it in a trice if only he could think of some other way of turning a penny .
20 He could think of some people who 'd say she 'd told him nothing he did n't already know and offer a few hundred francs .
21 For a start , he could think of precious few men who would consort with prostitutes .
22 In the stretched moments when he could think at all , Mouse knew , helplessly , that he was going mad .
23 Ever since he could think at all he had realised that the class which exploited the worker in every country would fight to the last ditch for the sake of keeping the worker where he was and where he had been all his life .
24 He held it like a sword , perhaps imagining the gutting and the killing he could perform with this weapon which had once been used to carve the image of a woman in the land .
25 Now he could start on all the little jobs he had been unable to do .
26 It is essentially peaceful and when some rather fussy penitent told his father confessor that he could find nowhere in London where he could meditate in quiet and peace , he was astonished to hear the caustic answer : ‘ Have you tried Marylebone , my son ? ’
27 All his friends noticed that no matter how drunk he was , his hand remained steady and he could draw with astonishing skill and sensitivity .
28 Because see he could draw on this table then you see if we leave it .
29 When he was about thirteen or fourteen he decided he would like to take classes provided that he could go to private lessons .
30 It occurred to him that he could go into any public library where they kept phone directories for the whole country and look up Alec Chipstead and see if his address was Wyvis Hall .
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