Example sentences of "he have [verb] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Next year , he has pledged to increase the present company car taxing scales by 8pc , but from 1995 drivers will pay tax according to the manufacturer 's list price for each car .
2 I assume , therefore , that what he has said represents the majority view within his party .
3 The leitmotif of Coetzee 's book , as suggested by his title , is that the organizations he has studied faced an ongoing dilemma : whether to function as adjuncts of the Conservative party or to claim that their aims were ‘ national ’ and therefore ‘ above party ’ .
4 While research looks like taking more of a backseat in the new government , the extent to which Fabius will change research policy will become apparent only when he has begun to change the people in key staff positions .
5 The Secretary of State has made regulations specifying teachers ' contractual obligations ; a comprehensive list of duties ; he has decided to scrap the long-established machinery in which teachers ' pay and conditions were negotiated and has assumed temporary powers to determine these himself ; and he has introduced a national curriculum .
6 His chance to do this has come with the microwave report , but he has decided to put the interests of microwave manufacturers first .
7 But in order to try to keep some of America 's weaker carriers in the air he has decided to increase the limit on the stake a foreign investor can hold in an American airline from 25% to 49% .
8 And he has decided to buy the lacy garments from Janet Reger — Fergie 's favourite designer .
9 COYHAIQUE , Chile ( AFP ) — President Pinochet said he has decided to abolish the secret police which he established 16 years ago , shortly after coming to power .
10 Pa sits me on the wooden bench he has built facing the altar , and himself sits down next to me .
11 The manoeuvring goes on : Boris Yeltsin appears to have backtracked slightly on the powers he has assumed to by-pass the Supreme Soviet , although he still intends to hold the planned referendum ; meanwhile the parliament has called a full session of the Congress of People 's Deputies to impeach the president , but there is uncertainty about whether the hardliners can actually muster a sufficient majority .
12 Interviews are a chore he has to do to sell the show .
13 He does n't know what he has to do to win a regular first team place . ’
14 John Chant asked how the above was progressing and I explained that we have had initial draft typeset — he has asked to see a copy which I have passed to him today .
15 But it does not follow that there may not be a difference in the procedures which are appropriate on the one hand in requiring the driver to provide a specimen of blood or urine under section 7(4) where it is obligatory for him to do so because one of the circumstances specified in section 7(3) has arisen , and on the other hand in informing the driver of his right under section 8(2) to claim that the specimen of breath which he has given containing the lower proportion of alcohol should be replaced by a specimen of blood or urine under section 7(4) .
16 He should be told that the specimen of breath which he has given containing the lower proportion of alcohol exceeds the statutory limit but does not exceed 50 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath ; that in these circumstances he is entitled to claim to have this specimen replaced by a specimen of blood or urine if he wishes ; but that , if he does so , it will be for the constable to decide whether the replacement specimen is to be of blood or urine and that if the constable requires a specimen of blood it will be taken by a doctor unless the doctor considers that there are medical reasons for not taking blood , when urine may be given instead .
17 The driver is faced with the prospect of conviction on the basis of the breath specimen which he has given containing the lower proportion of alcohol .
18 Like the Beatles , Keegan was a legend in Liverpool and he has given United a dream ticket to ride all the way back to the Premier League .
19 Johnny Rogan himself is at a loss to explain what he has done to provoke the wrath of the former Smith , while Morrissey says that the book contains certain inaccuracies about his Mancunian past .
20 Yet Mr Kohl seems more interested in getting votes from right-wingers than in winning them for Turks : the most he has done to change the citizenship law is to wonder aloud whether Germany 's Turks might be granted dual citizenship for a trial five years , at the end of which they could choose to be either Turks or Germans .
21 Richard Amos is still the youth worker and deserves special mention for all he has done to get the youth club back on its feet .
22 Richard Amos is still the youth worker and deserves special mention for all he has done to get the youth club back on its feet .
23 He has sought to make a political attack on me , and I shall reply in the same way because the right hon. Gentleman has been highly selective in his summary of the case .
24 In particular , he has sought to make the desert bloom , damming its rivers and plundering its scant resources of water to create neat , green fields and , more recently , the harmonious , man-made landscapes of the golf course .
25 Despite the initial shock of being confronted with a typical Elizabethan letter or manuscript , the collector may be assured that , once he has troubled to master the unfamiliar forms of a number of the letters , their consistency will ensure that he will have no more — and sometimes less — trouble than he has with some of the missives that find their way to his desk or doormat today .
26 He arrived late yesterday afternoon , it seems , and he has offered to give a little recital to anyone on the island who wishes to attend .
27 He has offered to take a blood test to disprove it .
28 He has offered to pay the full market price .
29 It is only a couple of years ago that Jenkins rejected out of hand the Wales involvement he has now taken on , and — until Davies and the Wales manager , Robert Norster , beat their path to his door — he has tended to use the expression ‘ poisoned chalice ’ whenever anyone sounded out his interest or rather the lack of it .
30 Having now worked in both sides of the oil business , Morgan says that he has come to appreciate the importance of high quality cooperation , whether it 's at Grangemouth Refinery or in transporting and marketing oil in the US .
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