Example sentences of "he have [been] a [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He has been a most valuable player a record three times .
2 He has been a most valuable player a record three times .
3 I have suggested earlier that part of Beccaria 's reputation may have resulted from his glossing over the more unsavoury implications of his views , and the fact that his full programme has never really been put into practice ; but this is not to deny that , in so far as he has been an influence , he has been a relatively benign one .
4 ‘ Oh yes , he has been a very good MP , quite a cult really and he does deserve your vote , ’ beamed Cecil .
5 He has been a very high profile MP and the voters tend to like that sort of thing . ’
6 He 'd been a little too theatrically technical .
7 He lived in 1935 ( when I last saw him ) in the utmost simplicity , although if he had been a little more conciliatory he could always have earned enough for his comfort — and his wife 's ; but he never valued anything that money could buy as he valued the integrity of his sharp-shooting mind .
8 He had been a little surprised that Miriam should surrender to this sort of jealousy , but perhaps he was not altogether displeased , because he found it feminine … in an attractive woman even faults and weaknesses are endearing .
9 If he had been a little more aware , he would have realised that licensed dealers were largely excluded from the square mile , both physically and psychologically .
10 ever since Grasmere when the trap the fisherman had sprung — and which had seemed so foolproof — had simply not worked , he had been a little abashed .
11 Perhaps he had been a little too harsh with her .
12 ‘ No , indeed , ’ he answered gravely , although he had been a little shocked if truth were told .
13 Joining in meant she could lose herself , forget , live for the moment just as Mark had always done — Oh , he had been a little wild on occasions , she knew that deep down , but Mark , being Mark , things had always turned out OK in the end … until that last time , of course …
14 He had enjoyed being able to tell Sunil all about it at lunch , though he had been a little worried by the way Sunil had then gazed at Gooseneck throughout the meal with evident hero-worship .
15 Owen himself rather enjoyed the views but he had been a little surprised to learn that they had also drawn the Prince .
16 Despite his arrogance and cruelty towards opponents , he had been a remarkably enlightened and often liberal and generous ruler .
17 Dalgliesh had n't seen him for more than ten years when he had been a newly appointed inspector in the Metropolitan CID and was surprised to see how little he had changed ; time , marriage , removal from London , promotion , had left no apparent mark on him .
18 He knew that she and Massingham had worked together before when he had been a newly promoted divisional detective inspector and she a sergeant .
19 He had been a very successful amateur boxer , and sometimes would try to relieve our tension by sparring with me , teaching me basic moves of a sport I knew nothing about and instinctively detested .
20 In 1889 , the year before the Leeds Congress , he was offered the living of St Katherine 's Church where he had been a very popular curate .
21 If his father had been a hardnose Republican , he had been a very strange one , for the cash side of the firm , the accountancy , was run by a level-headed Protestant called Tom Holdfast , and a couple of the men were also Protestants .
22 He 's been a little crazy for some time .
23 George Bush has too , but then he 's been a rather busy fellow of late .
24 ‘ He 's playing so well that he 's been a very big miss .
25 He 's been a really decent bloke to me and I reckon he 's had a rough deal , what with that wife of his clearing off and now this … ’
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