Example sentences of "he have [vb pp] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Next year , he has pledged to increase the present company car taxing scales by 8pc , but from 1995 drivers will pay tax according to the manufacturer 's list price for each car .
2 While research looks like taking more of a backseat in the new government , the extent to which Fabius will change research policy will become apparent only when he has begun to change the people in key staff positions .
3 The Secretary of State has made regulations specifying teachers ' contractual obligations ; a comprehensive list of duties ; he has decided to scrap the long-established machinery in which teachers ' pay and conditions were negotiated and has assumed temporary powers to determine these himself ; and he has introduced a national curriculum .
4 His chance to do this has come with the microwave report , but he has decided to put the interests of microwave manufacturers first .
5 But in order to try to keep some of America 's weaker carriers in the air he has decided to increase the limit on the stake a foreign investor can hold in an American airline from 25% to 49% .
6 And he has decided to buy the lacy garments from Janet Reger — Fergie 's favourite designer .
7 COYHAIQUE , Chile ( AFP ) — President Pinochet said he has decided to abolish the secret police which he established 16 years ago , shortly after coming to power .
8 The manoeuvring goes on : Boris Yeltsin appears to have backtracked slightly on the powers he has assumed to by-pass the Supreme Soviet , although he still intends to hold the planned referendum ; meanwhile the parliament has called a full session of the Congress of People 's Deputies to impeach the president , but there is uncertainty about whether the hardliners can actually muster a sufficient majority .
9 Johnny Rogan himself is at a loss to explain what he has done to provoke the wrath of the former Smith , while Morrissey says that the book contains certain inaccuracies about his Mancunian past .
10 Yet Mr Kohl seems more interested in getting votes from right-wingers than in winning them for Turks : the most he has done to change the citizenship law is to wonder aloud whether Germany 's Turks might be granted dual citizenship for a trial five years , at the end of which they could choose to be either Turks or Germans .
11 Richard Amos is still the youth worker and deserves special mention for all he has done to get the youth club back on its feet .
12 Richard Amos is still the youth worker and deserves special mention for all he has done to get the youth club back on its feet .
13 In particular , he has sought to make the desert bloom , damming its rivers and plundering its scant resources of water to create neat , green fields and , more recently , the harmonious , man-made landscapes of the golf course .
14 Despite the initial shock of being confronted with a typical Elizabethan letter or manuscript , the collector may be assured that , once he has troubled to master the unfamiliar forms of a number of the letters , their consistency will ensure that he will have no more — and sometimes less — trouble than he has with some of the missives that find their way to his desk or doormat today .
15 He has offered to pay the full market price .
16 It is only a couple of years ago that Jenkins rejected out of hand the Wales involvement he has now taken on , and — until Davies and the Wales manager , Robert Norster , beat their path to his door — he has tended to use the expression ‘ poisoned chalice ’ whenever anyone sounded out his interest or rather the lack of it .
17 Having now worked in both sides of the oil business , Morgan says that he has come to appreciate the importance of high quality cooperation , whether it 's at Grangemouth Refinery or in transporting and marketing oil in the US .
18 He has got to take the next action , it 's up to him now .
19 He has got to do the rescuing .
20 The result is that [ such copy ] is given to the piece work comp and he has got to make the best of it .
21 But he has got to attract the more intelligent if he is to succeed .
22 Sadly , it seems that he has failed to grasp the relationship between the district council and the board .
23 Spelt out slightly more fully ( and at the risk of oversimplification ) , this means that a decision is open to review where it has been arrived at as a result of a mistaken view of the law , or where the decision is one that could not reasonably have been arrived at , in the sense that the person deciding must have taken into account irrelevant considerations , or failed to take into account relevant ones , or where he has failed to observe the dictates of natural justice which require him to give the parties a hearing before arriving at his decision .
24 According to article 3 of the Swiss civil code , ‘ no person can plead bona fides in any case where he has failed to exercise the degree of care required by the circumstances ’ .
25 Although Mr Kinnock has modernised Labour and ditched many of its vote-losing socialist policies , he has failed to convince the country to put its trust in him despite the country suffering the longest recession since the Second World War .
26 I know that the hon. Member has shown considerable interest in the case that is the subject of the debate , although I find it surprising that he has chosen to raise the matter in this way .
27 To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what measures he has taken to improve the working of the cold weather payments scheme .
28 To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what steps he has taken to enhance the security of taxi drivers and other transport workers in the Province .
29 Bradley admits he has tried to increase the size of the LAPD by 1,000 .
30 But he says : ‘ He has lost touch with something wonderful — he has forgotten to let the child within him take flight .
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