Example sentences of "he have [vb pp] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Where the husband goes so far as to cause injury , there are available a number of offences against the person with which he may be charged , but the gravamen of the husband 's conduct is the injury he has caused not the sexual intercourse he has forced . ’
2 As the sells his beers to the free trade and to national brewers ' pubs he has noticed both the swingeing price increases imposed by the brewing giants and the reaction among their tenants .
3 Along the way he has brushed aside the wrath of his fellow-judges .
4 Over the years he has pieced together the plane 's last , dying moments from the second one of its engines caught fire .
5 It is also a rather different exhibition conceptually : Alfonso Perez Sanchez , former Director of the Prado and co-organiser of the show , has declared that he wants the Spanish to get to know ‘ the real Ribera ’ , which means that he has whittled down the number of works .
6 So far he has tracked down the chemical 3-methyl-2-hexenoic acid .
7 He has turned away the glorious light of his countenance — or maybe the traffic fumes have got in the way , or maybe he 's turned off the telly because of the charismatics . ’
8 The manager who took Sunderland to Wembley six months ago knows that he 's still not out of the woods , but he has turned back the clock in a bid to stay in business .
9 The personal tragedy that befalls Gibson 's character in ‘ Forever Young ’ is that he loses his childhood sweetheart in an accident before he has plucked up the courage to propose marriage .
10 But after a visit to his home by a senior officer of Cleveland Police , he has painted out the symbols .
11 After he has killed off the whole lot of them in various ways , he shouts in triumph , ‘ Jesus , I got 'em all ! ’
12 Using traditional measures of religiosity , he has pointed out the apparent failure of English catholic schools to produce better catholics and fewer ex-catholics than state or other schools , and has inferred the likelihood of the same for Irish schools .
13 He has summed up the issue much better than I could .
14 He has carried on the good work this term and is well on the way to establishing himself in the top 10 with 16 wins in the current campaign .
15 They also failed to take him seriously , and made him angry , but he has carried on the struggle .
16 If amendment ( a ) is not carried , the Minister can not say that he has brought forward the new clause as a concession to the Opposition .
17 He has taken up the challenge to lead .
18 In fact , Mr Shiratori has been one of Japan 's representative 's on the IASC since 1984 and is well versed in all the issues ; he is also well aware that he has taken up the reins of office at a critical time for the IASC .
19 He has taken up the priestly tasks of his father , ’ she says .
20 America is his favourite way of talking about the undiscovered country , and it shows that as well as suicide and blanket boredom he has taken over the flavour of Raskolnikov 's joke about getting used to family life .
21 To prove his point he has taken on the legal profession and , with no legal training whatsoever , tied judges in such knots they have overruled each other .
22 By the halfway stage he has taken on the slightly desperate , bloodshot aspect of the tragic hero about to be engulfed by the forces he has unleashed : ‘ I shall resolutely ignore everything but the skeletal essentials of my theme , ’ he declares ( ‘ Off , off you lendings ! ’ ) .
23 In his day he has taken on the big guns of industry , commercialised culture and of whole countries ( who can easily forget his devastating portrait of Mrs Thatcher and the fawning Saatchi brothers ? ) .
24 He has drawn up the list of items below .
25 Pelham was a deeply conscientious constituency MP , and he has left probably the finest record of such duties of any seventeenth-century politician .
26 He has dumped down the notes for a greyhound , has given his heart to the beast , and is derided for this by his friends in the pub .
27 More news about Jack is the announcement that he has handed over the reins of the Midland Embalming School to John Davis who , apart from being a trade embalmer has a varied background in nursing , counselling , laboratory work and school teaching .
28 Michael Rayer has given the selectors so little excuse to drop him , has been so sound in all aspects of play , that he has consigned possibly the most dangerous prong of the Welsh attack to the replacements ' bench .
29 Since moving to Australia in 1983 he has enjoyed both the informal Australian approach to life and the outlook of writers like Stoddart and Richard Cashman : ‘ They are much more challenging in their approach , less constrained by conventions , ’ he says .
30 There are other examples that underline the folly of this increasingly popular practice : Alec Stewart 's average in Tests in which he has picked up the gauntlets lags behind that of Jack Russell ; Richard Blakey 's batting has gone into reverse since he succeeded David Bairstow at Yorkshire .
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