Example sentences of "he be on the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Had he been on the Cardinal 's business or lying in ambush for Irvine ?
2 He were on the shed roof ?
3 No , stuck it over David 's head , he were on the phone to a client , we took a photo , somebody took a photo of it , we knocked on the door we said David have you got a minute ?
4 Marek 's tremble quickened , as though he were on the verge of taking a decision .
5 The drunken miller 's incoherency , " " as he were on the quakke " " ( 4152 ) recalls how Nicholas puts the equivalent of an ass 's head on John the carpenter by portraying him , absurdly , as a duck swimming above the Second Flood ( 3575 – 6 ) .
6 When in the course of my explanation I mentioned the word pagan , he jerked as if he were on the end of a wire .
7 He was a thin , brown man with a brass stud at the neck of his striped shirt and a sad expression as if he were on the point of tears .
8 SCOTTISH Ambulance Service fleet manager Ed Hodson believes he is on the way to knocking £1 million a year off fuel bills by gradually switching totally to diesel .
9 I know that when I see the books of a hitherto-collected writer being grouped in a catalogue in half-dozens and tens , instead of being offered singly , he is on the way out so far as the collecting world counts for anything .
10 Admittedly , he does n't yet earn a fraction of the money a man of his age and experience would expect to earn outside , but he is on the way to the real big-time .
11 This sounds like a beg for someone to come in for him and I reckon Wilko 's phone will soon be ringing and he is on the way out .
12 ‘ There is obviously long-term rehabilitation for Mick , but he is on the way back . ’
13 ‘ There is obviously long-term rehabilitation for Mick , but he is on the way back . ’
14 He is on the brink of breakdown , sobbing and incoherent . ’
15 He is on the brink of taking it .
16 They also think he must be dominant , decisive and virile but he 's not , he 's just as he is on the field .
17 He is on the lookout for cars — smart , chauffeur-driven cars .
18 Pausanias says he is on the god 's left , and I conclude that he is using the words from the spectator 's point of view , as I believe he does in his account of Polygnotos 's paintings at Delphi .
19 That will depend on how good he is on the day .
20 He is on the road to a conversion he would rather not have .
21 So , at the age of 31 , instead of standing in court in a pinstripe making pleas in mitigation for the Saturday night disorderly drunks , he is on the road to fame , suitcase and guitar in hand .
22 He is on the board of a number of City companies , and is a former Master of the Worshipful Company of Pattenmakers .
23 I enabled him to free the angel and the demon that he is on the inside .
24 Now , six months later , he is on the verge of being capped for New Zealand .
25 He is on the verge of being too dedicated .
26 He has denied he is on the verge of quitting — ‘ Im suprised if people thought I am the sort who takes my bat and ball home if I do nt get my way ’ .
27 When Celtic equalised , bringing about a result that caused Aberdeen to lose ground in the championship race , there was that involuntary twitching movement , spreading from Aitken 's head to his toes , which signals that he is on the verge of doing someone a mischief unless he gets a satisfactory explanation in a very short space of time .
28 It is only when he is on the ship bound for England away from mental setbacks such as this at court , that give Hamlet the courage to return to kill Claudius .
29 The terminology used to address Tom when he is on the witness stand is not very complimentary , phrases such as ‘ boy ’ or ‘ nigger ’ are the norm .
30 What a different man he is on the page !
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