Example sentences of "he be [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In this city where everything is possible , and he cuts such a figure in his light suit and striped silk tie , and is 32 and full of self-confidence , and can walk up to a girl he has never seen before and with a disarming smile ask her when lighting-up time is — how can he be wearing a maroon crew-necked sweater , and cavalry twill trousers with turnups , and be 22 , and find himself running after a girl and being told that she may or may not see him tomorrow ?
2 She wanted him to feel as if he were kissing a lifeless rag doll .
3 He ran his eyes down the column of figures as if he were taking a good look at Voluptua Whoopee in a no-piece swimsuit and whistled ‘ Dixie . ’
4 At Oxford he had gained a First in Greats , for which , according to a contemporary , he had worked as if he were taking a chartered accountancy exam .
5 ‘ Sit down , Mr O'Malley , ’ he said in a slow ponderous voice , as though he were inviting a weary traveller to take his ease .
6 If he were to defeat a Labour government as soon as it had taken office , the Liberals would be accused of frivolity in precipitating an unnecessary election , especially if Labour contented itself with moderate policies as it intended to do .
7 The local authority , which shared parental responsibility for J. in consequence of a care order made under the Children Act 1989 , obtained leave under section 100 of the Act to invoke the court 's inherent jurisdiction to determine whether artificial ventilation and/or other life-saving measures should be administered to J. if he were to suffer a life-threatening event .
8 By an order dated 30 March 1992 Waite J. granted the local authority 's application under section 100(3) of the Children Act 1989 for leave to invoke the court 's inherent jurisdiction to determine whether artificial ventilation and/or other life-saving measures should be given to J. , an infant for whom the local authority shared parental responsibility pursuant to a care order made under the Act of 1989 , if he were to suffer a life-threatening event .
9 He had never physically hurt her , although there had been more than one occasion towards the end of their short , fraught marriage when he had looked as if he were making a huge effort to stop himself raising a hand to her .
10 One man in the back row is waving his paddle as if he were directing a jumbo jet , while a lady in the front demurely flicks her pencil .
11 Mr MacGregor , the Chairman of British Steel in 1980 , would not have chosen either place if he were starting a new industry today .
12 He felt as if he were running a high fever .
13 It was rubbing up and down as if he were titillating an unseen erogenous zone .
14 We must remember that he is waging a dirty war .
15 He is wearing a blue tunic and around his shoulders is a fur cloak made of the skins of the hyrax .
16 He is wearing a faded navy-blue trench-coat with a collar that curls shrunkenly upwards .
17 Part of me thinks that he is setting a useful precedent .
18 Around the inner compound of his ranch house , Goldsmith has built a moat in which he is sheltering a large number of crocodiles — a notoriously threatened species .
19 He is using a human child as research material , removing him from what everybody — our readers — must regard as a normal human life .
20 We must remember that he had started his active life as a lawyer and as a student of rhetoric , and he is using a common figure of rhetoric , hyperbole , within carefully controlled limits .
21 In The Prelude we can easily detect a similar pattern imposed upon experience , though Wordsworth is describing a poetic rather than a Christian vocation ; and though he may appear to use religious vocabulary ( see again the discussion on pages 89–91 ) , he is expounding a secular philosophy .
22 He is to table a new series of questions in the Commons today which ask for details of the proposed package .
23 In this latter event , unless he is to receive a reasonable rate of interest on the monies outstanding , the monies received on repayment of the charge could be worth very little in purchasing power by the time they are received .
24 On the occasion of its 30th anniversary , the University of Novi Sad in Yugoslavia awarded him the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science ; and this month at the annual meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science he is to receive an Honorary DSc from the University of Wales .
25 Although he is taking a positive attitude , it is clear that George 's self-image has been shaken .
26 erm ba basically i i I do n't think it 's that bad and I mean obviously he , he 's making the picture , I would say he 's making the picture out to be f far worse than it actually is because he , he is taking an extreme sort of left point of view so to speak .
27 Wearing aviator sunglasses and a wet T-shirt , he is smoking a dry cigarette .
28 He is hoping a local farm owner will rent him space to run a boarding kennels and rescue side by side — one supporting the other .
29 Will they think that he is getting a massive discount , as he will have to pay only a small amount ?
30 ‘ so the customer knows that he is getting an excellent product proven to our own satisfaction . ’
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