Example sentences of "he [vb past] down [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In a March speech at the Hotel Cecil he laid down a plan of submitting food taxes — the most controversial item — to a referendum .
2 He laid down the letter at breakfast with a white face .
3 Without waiting for the others he plunged down the bank into the stream , slipping and slithering heedlessly over the protruding roots and rocks .
4 But with 15 minutes left Dyer gave the visitors some hope when he chested down a cross and struck a strong shot past Muggleton from close range .
5 He passed down the gallery , the sound growing fainter .
6 He found himself hovering for a dangerous moment between pity and fear and he fought down the pity at once , for it was not to be thought of that he should feel such an emotion for this evil being .
7 But he got down the pit , after you know whe after the War .
8 ‘ It was good of you to get in touch with me , Simon , ’ she murmured as he hooked down the loft-ladder and she followed him up into the roof space .
9 He moved down the column .
10 Holding on to the railings , he moved down the passage between the church and the presbytery .
11 When he drew down the top of the blanket Laura gave a cry , staggering where she stood .
12 He peered down the barrel , saw the metal nose of the bomb leering up at him .
13 After being stranded on 99 for 25 minutes , he finally lost both patience and nerve and became the fourth player in the match to be dismissed in sight of a century as he charged down the pitch .
14 Peter Lunnen , who took the call , said at Shrewsbury Crown Court that as he shouted down the telephone line to Mrs Wilks , he heard her speaking in the distance .
15 The Duke had cause for worry , yet as he strolled down the rue Royale he was forced to put a brave face on the desperate odds lest his enemies took courage from his despair.The Duke could also cling to one strong hope , namely that his scratch army would not fight Napoleon alone , but alongside Prince Blücher 's Prussians .
16 It 's possible that he tiptoed down the passage and came in by the main door .
17 He darted down the passage after Twoflower , and after a few moments came to a halt with a groan .
18 He gulped down the spread of cold meats eagerly but chewed slowly , like the old man he had become .
19 He gulped down the mouthful before saying : ‘ Well , that 's pretty obvious , if I may say so .
20 He gulped down the coffee and picked up his pen .
21 When he came down the alley toward the club 's stage door he could see that there were three rough-looking teenagers who 'd clambered up the side of one of the big waste bins and were lifting stuff around inside .
22 well I , apprehensive is the word really , but he , I think he came down the other , this week just for a day and spent back here and saw one or two people and I think he 's happier now
23 He was worried about them and by the time he came down the gang had gone .
24 The first , wearing a traditional Burmese longyi , or sarong , and carrying an umbrella and a briefcase , was thoroughly searched by Thai security forces when he came down the plane steps .
25 He banged down the rucksack and the basket he had been carrying and looked without liking at the unencumbered Beuno .
26 He gestured down the table with his knife and Jo , smiling broadly , passed the relish .
27 He slammed down a tin of cleansing cream .
28 He slammed down the snifter again and flung his hands on to his hips .
29 He slammed down the phone before Meyer could reply , stared across his desk at Gareth Morgan , perched like a large evil gnome on the edge of his chair , cuddling a glass of Scotch .
30 He slammed down the receiver .
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