Example sentences of "he [vb past] a [adj] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 When Rick Briggs was exploring the possibilities for artificial intelligence ( computers that can think ) at NASA in 1985 , he made a strange and exotic discovery .
2 The point of this betrothal was that Henry was planning a campaign against Count Raymond v of Toulouse and since the rich and powerful Raymond-Berengar was already at odds with Toulouse he made a natural and formidable ally .
3 To make up for the unkindness , he made a bad and nervous joke .
4 He had two almost contemporary biographies and a wealth of oral tradition to draw on , and out of these materials he made a lively and dramatic portrait , full of sentiment and warmth , which easily outdistanced in popularity the biographies written by later writers who tried to do better .
5 He lived a full and active life .
6 Not all his arguments were entirely to the point , but he produced a confident and humorous speech . ’
7 He became a frequent and esteemed visitor to Queen Victoria Street .
8 Later , he became a keen and accomplished mountaineer .
9 An interest in archaeology , ceramics , and Renaissance art took him increasingly abroad and he became a perceptive and quietly passionate writer on these subjects — notably for the Art Journal between 1882 and 1890 .
10 This was only changed when he became a Christian and was ‘ surprised by joy ’ .
11 One thing is certain , he led a full and interesting life .
12 He devised a crude but effective way of exposing fossils from the rough rock .
13 He revealed a clumsy but passionate talent early on .
14 He immediately set off to hand the purse and its contents into the Clansford club office and there he found a distressed but very grateful Mrs Edie Moon ( 82 ) , Clansford 's oldest supporter .
15 For the rest of his life he bore a thin but livid scar on the right-hand side of his face .
16 At Foxton , Petone , and New Plymouth he created a new and striking wooden style with multiple gables , light verandas , and canopies , often capped by a squat tower with cupola and finial .
17 When all the consequences of his account are added up , it transpires that he created a permanent and invaluable record of an ancient way of life — not at first as antique as he had hoped , but he was not ungratified at the glimpses of the past that he caught .
18 He used a familiar and homely test — a lighted candle .
19 Financially the concert raised in excess of £2,500 and he received a splendid and sophisticated Korg keyboard .
20 He received a brisk and bewildering up-date on the progress , so far , in woman 's struggle to be a person in her own right , and not the property of some bloody man .
21 Mathematics , minimalism , and an almost Roman sense of order are the hallmarks of Ungers ' works — in 1992 at the Philomene Magers gallery he installed a horizontal and a vertical beam , made of wood and plexiglass respectively : the x and y axes of an imaginary co-ordinate system .
22 His try was a beauty as , unusually for English outside-halves , he weaved a delicate and rapid path of dummy , swerve and shuffle through well-guarded spaces .
23 because they scan on ultra violet light and as one our P C's found out to his cost , he ruined a hundred and fifty pounds worth of compact disc cos he got rather carried away with and of course , it ca n't be cleaned off !
24 Twenty months ago , at the end of the Gulf War , he seemed a dynamic and energetic leader .
25 He seemed a genial and indestructible landmark in the history of American music , in spite of defective hearing which had bothered him since the late Seventies .
26 He advised a military and naval action involving seizure of one or more Chinese islands for British commerce .
27 I know that he paid a useful and constructive visit recently .
28 Nevertheless , he betrayed a total and absolute misunderstanding of the public expenditure survey process and the part that my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State played in it .
29 Creggan was staring in a hostile way at this invasion of his territory but feeling too lazy to bother much about it when to his astonishment he heard a familiar and unpleasant voice say something unfamiliar and very strange indeed .
30 As she watched , the quarters moved a fraction further underneath him and , thinking about each foot in turn , he began a cadenced and elevated pace of trot on the spot .
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