Example sentences of "he [vb past] [adv prt] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 A gunman fired more than 20 shots into the building , but as he made off in a stolen car , a soldier fired a single shot from an Army observation post on the top of a block of flats several hundred yards away .
2 He made off in a W-registered Ford Cortina estate , stolen in Middlesbrough on May 11 .
3 He lived out in the country for a number of years , lived in poverty , erm , he thought about and he wrote about suicide .
4 He was a man of simple tastes who had a down-to-earth view of life that he passed on in an almost unconscious way with an innate goodness that is found among the local pillars of the community who never stray far from their birthplace .
5 Erm Dr was the medical officer of health , part time , and Dr was a character , he always had a white carnation , he rode round in a carriage on occasions , and he er wrote copperplate .
6 He slouched back in the chair , his face drawn as if he realised the mortal danger they were now in .
7 The blue was a flyer , wings trimmed to prevent him from going too high in the action ; he got up in a sudden whirr of fury , looking for a brain blow , but gaffing the dun bird in the breast .
8 When he got up in the morning , his ankles felt ricketty .
9 He and Anne had a bathroom opening out of their bedroom but Adam , when he got up in the night , usually went to the other one that was on the far side of the landing .
10 ‘ Mum said he got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet .
11 ‘ He slept like a log and when he got up in the morning and saw the car had gone he was very upset , ’ said a source .
12 He said , ‘ That is a pity ’ , with his smiling , still mouth , and he got back in the car and drove away , and Elizabeth went back in the house , and all the day she cried , and I went away to the hills .
13 It was an illusion of tired eyes , but before he got back in the car he stood , his collar open , looking up at the sky where there was nothing to see but black , and let the water splash down on his open face , his wet shirt clinging to the skin of his chest and belly .
14 He gazed up in the air and appeared to be musing to the ceiling .
15 He swam around in the cold plunge for five minutes to close his pores , then towelled himself vigorously before jumping on the scales in the rest room .
16 Again and again the nightmare rose into his mind like bile into the mouth ; he threshed about in a desperate attempt to shut it out , but again and again he suffered the humiliation , the panic , the pain .
17 He headed off in the direction of the kitchen , and she made a feeble effort to straighten her leg , wincing in pain .
18 He headed in in the 31st minute after Wright 's centre had taken a deflection , then scored from the penalty spot after being brought down by Bennett .
19 He got to his feet in one sinuous movement , stretching hugely , his arms above his head , before he sank down in the chair opposite .
20 He wandered around in a state of utter dejection , belonging nowhere .
21 He knelt down in the constricted space .
22 Having discovered where Gabriel slept , he poked about in the hollow of the pageant cart , gathering up the tributes and luxuries that had found their way down into the dark .
23 I had one night of that , and when he came round in the morning , I told him .
24 And erm there 's a lot they 've they 've they 've done some television work on him and anyway er in nineteen O three , he came over in the you know about in nineteen hundred with his family and I 've got a picture of them in that 's where he came from in .
25 Half way through his super-human effort his foot slipped and in mid-launch he came down in an uncoordinated heap just outside the throwing circle .
26 When he came back in a temper sometimes , or been drinking , Cis told me they would put Rich on the kitchen table and tell him to dance .
27 When he came back in the evening he sat for a long time gazing out across the V-shaped valley leading south .
28 His premiership appeared not so much to be running out as running down , Few believed that when he came back in the autumn he would be able to do more than coast gently and desultorily along for another six months .
29 He came back in the evening , bringing Lyn a fieldmouse .
30 Noticed when he came back in the afternoon , while he was talking to Rose .
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