Example sentences of "he [coord] [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That provision will cut a person off from all that he or she most values — family and friends .
2 Both he and my own doctor warned me to stop all running for the sake of my health ; their manner was so grave as to imply danger to my life .
3 He and my hon. Friend the Member for Beaconsfield posed the best question of the debate when they asked whether it could apply to rail .
4 He and my hon. Friends the Members for Pudsey ( Sir G.
5 He and his late wife , Roksareh , owned two properties as beneficial joint tenants : 11 , Stork Road , London E.7 and 100 , Gurney Road , West Ham , London E.15 .
6 He and his straight man , Bulganin , came by battle cruiser , which was the target of much curiosity in Portsmouth harbour , especially since the body of a naval frogman , Commander ‘ Buster ’ Crabbe , had been found floating there during another Russian naval visit the previous autumn .
7 This year just under 100 students will receive their first degrees at Stirling and Chief Careers Advisor Walter Abbott , who retires this summer , can look back and take pride in the fact that he and his small team in the careers office have had the opportunity to help prepare 16,000 students for ‘ life after Uni ’ during the 24 years that Walter has been here and seen the University grow .
8 He and his five brothers married English girls .
9 He and his five brother delegates ( though there were 74 in the full Japanese team , and 70 correspondents ) were dressed in morning coats and striped trousers , ‘ to show Japan 's modesty and sincerity ’ , as Yoshida said .
10 He and his six colleagues undertook an ‘ extraordinary experiment in assessment of social risk ’ that had considerable impact on the national debate .
11 He and his first wife , Judith , who died last year , had four children .
12 He and his first wife lived on Cressy until 1951 .
13 She said in a statement that he and his close friend Gary Burn and one or two others were in a boisterous mood , and had obviously been drinking heavilly .
14 Waco : TEXAS cult leader David Koresh said last night he and his heavily-armed followers would not surrender because God told him to wait .
15 By this , he and his diplomatic agents maintained , was meant the fully implemented terms of the 1259 agreement .
16 ‘ Svend was watching television and nursing his broken heart , trying to work out how he could go back home without losing face , when he was forced to realise the amount of trouble and disruption he and his erstwhile girlfriend had caused on all fronts ! ’
17 The harder it became , the more he and his remaining comrades enjoyed it .
18 He and his Chief Wife dined alone at sunset , then he went to his office to work .
19 His selection ended a month of factional discord as he and his chief rival , Mutsuki Kato , the 65-year-old chairman of the LDP research council , struggled to succeed Abe .
20 His parents , furthermore , had requested that he and his eleven-year-old brother should be placed in a Quaker boarding school .
21 He and his stupid verses ! ’
22 He and his disabled wife rely on income support .
23 At school , both he and his elder brother ( Robert Victor ) excelled at sports ; in 1919 Eric set a new ( and still unbroken ) school record of 10.2 seconds for the 100 yards .
24 In 1879 he and his elder brother E. B. Castner set up as consulting chemists in New York .
25 He and his blonde wife , Adrienne , a Klanswoman who is expecting their first child next month , now have to be careful , they say .
26 The Old King would not do it and from then on he and his eldest son could not talk without quarrelling .
27 This empty stage , this empty auditorium beyond , agape like a hollow mouth , had more potency for his mother than ever he and his dry father had ; its unreality was more real for her than their reality .
28 Finally , he and his immediate circle , including his wife , were enjoying their privileged position ; like many autocrats before and after him , Franco found the exercise of absolute power addictive .
29 His mother died when William was six years old and he and his only sister Frances were placed in the care of their aunt , Lady Frances Stourton , while their father attended to the boy 's education .
30 Now , however , he and his western friends are speaking a different language .
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