Example sentences of "he [adv] [vb past] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Aveling preferred actresses , but they were more difficult to locate once he left New York , and he rather looked down on what passed as theatre in America , although he admired Buffalo Bill 's Wild West Show .
2 The answer is an all-too-simple one : by the time he courageously signed on as a volunteer infantryman , John was in the terminal stages of consumption .
3 There was no more sound , so he slowly reversed back into the road as the Sturmabteilungen from the gate carne up to investigate .
4 Then , proudly and smiling , he slowly walked back for the presentation , his friends dancing round him patting him .
5 Two weeks ago he secretly flew back to Sarajevo to speak to 10-year-old Natasha Mihaljcic 's only surviving relative .
6 It was reported that the final signing had been held up over successive objections raised by Taylor , and that he eventually signed only under pressure from Capt. Blaise Compaore , the head of state of Burkina , a country which , according to some reports , had previously been an important source of arms supplies to Taylor 's faction .
7 He eventually parachuted out of the aircraft and was arrested .
8 She added : ‘ When he eventually got on to the train he left the bird on a seat next to his cabin .
9 At first they talked easily about David 's chances of demobilisation , and the kind of law he would practise when he eventually got back to London , and his prospects of fighting a reasonably safe seat at the next General Election , but inevitably that led on to Julia 's plans .
10 As I have heard from his crew , he baled out when he eventually got back to the south coast of England .
11 He eventually fell out with another pioneering figure in the study of distribution , the Manx naturalist Edward Forbes ( 1815–54 ) , who appropriated Watson 's provinces for his own very different study .
12 The extent of Britain 's interest can be gauged by its response to the invitation : it sent only a civil servant to the preliminary discussions on a common market , and he eventually withdrew completely in November 1955 .
13 His career had an extraordinary culmination when he eventually turned up in Scotland and was appointed Royal Printer to James VI , afterwards James I of England .
14 He ended one weekend , which spanned marathons in Holland and Austria , hopelessly lost in Czechoslovakia , where he duly ran out of petrol .
15 The SPA unanimously elected Kaysone Phomvihane , as the country 's new President , replacing Phoumi Vongvichit , who had served as President in an acting capacity since 1986 when he effectively took over from the ailing Souphanouvong [ see p. 35005 ] .
16 In fact , he instinctively stepped backwards into the plantation as the car door was thrown open .
17 For just an instant she seemed to see right into his eyes , past the protective barrier that he instinctively put up against intruders .
18 Phipps 's latest conquest — he rarely went long without excitement — had been the childless and bored Mrs Venables , whose cake was the last he 'd tasted , and whose husband was the local chemist .
19 In fact , he rarely came out of Bath and Wells , where he was proving a conscientious diocesan , predictably of a brisk administrative turn of mind .
20 What we as a family were unanimous about was that he adopted no pose of being the distinguished writer , and even gave the impression that he much preferred not to be treated as such .
21 He merely knew enough to be careful ( though not careful enough ) about the words coming out under his fist .
22 He merely looked back at me in a rather peculiar silence .
23 When invited to lecture at Cheltenham Art Gallery he merely read aloud from a printed copy of his talk , Speculations on the Contemporary Painter .
24 He merely held on to it , while Bruce pulled him , and with a gurgle of laughter the boy found the apple was in his hand .
25 If Clarke had intended to pursue his enquiries further , he obviously thought better of it under that formidable gaze .
26 He only got away with money in one of the raids .
27 Seeing Alice 's commenting face , Muriel said swiftly , " But he only got back at three this morning , and those Channel boats …
28 ‘ Even if he only lived here for a few years when he was small , I wanted him to know something of his roots , to be aware of his background . ’
29 She did that for half an hour and he only came round for a short time .
30 I was just checking here in from the book by and I was looking at the chapter here on Roses Rivetus and er and it was on the mission to Munster here that er Third Combat Mission once a day for three days ' running was to Munster it was this ill-fated mission that made the reputation as the bloody Hundredth and of course this is the one that he only came back from .
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