Example sentences of "he [was/were] go [to-vb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 And th and then we have Mr Lilley saying that there were lots of people at the Tory Party Conference , remember , he had his little list that he was going to go through and and erm chop out all the , the social security scroungers and people who abused the system .
2 Mm so he was going to go up to .
3 You mentioned Christopher , what er the last time it 's , I 'm going back a little while , the last time I was talking with Janet he , she was a bit unhappy , I think he was in er a teaching practice at the time and she was wondering how he was going to go on .
4 and I would have thought it was absolutely great , you know , he really , I would have though had a stimulating , challenging lovely environment to , to , to be in , I , I , I , I , I hoped that if he was going , I thought he was going to go on , it was just going to be very expensive tt paying his fees , his this
5 As soon as the shops opened after the holidays he was going to go out and buy himself a tie !
6 Chris had insisted that if he was going to go out there , then so was I. I 'd been searching for a way out all night , but nothing convincing came to mind .
7 Hell , he could n't even ask , having told her the next time she would have to take the initiative , but if she did n't take it soon he was going to go out of his mind !
8 So I phoned Mrs I eventually got through to her then I had to phone the prison to tell daddy because he was going to go in and erm I mean I , and then I go back to work , Grant .
9 He said he was going to go back to his flat .
10 ‘ Insulting , then , ’ she agreed quietly , determined not to lose her temper , although if he was going to carry on in that vein the chances of her keeping it for very long were absolutely nil .
11 And if I 'd known he was going to turn out a stupid and objectionable youth I 'd never have employed the foolish boy .
12 ‘ He said he was going to drive up to the Spaniard 's for a drink .
13 ‘ Do n't know it , ’ the cabbie replied , and for one heart-stopping moment Chant thought he was going to drive on .
14 Mr Toubon has denied the rumour which circulated in Paris after the March General Election that he was going to shut down the trouble-torn Bastille Opera to carry out a complete technical and financial inventory .
15 He walked up and down the track , waiting impatiently ; he had made his mind up , he was going to lie down in front of the train .
16 And there was plump , placid , erotically drained Stuart beside me , looking so fucking … blithe , pretending it was nice to be met at the airport , and probably thinking about how he was going to claim back some Danegeld on the unused half of their return billets from Gatwick to Victoria .
17 For a fearful moment she thought he was going to lean down and kiss her , and because she had no idea how she would defend herself if he did she shut her eyes tightly , opting for the ostrich technique .
18 ‘ And anyway , Marius said this boy was coming over and he was going to draw up a new will , and would we witness it ? … ’
19 He was going to set up in London .
20 In the Wessex Dairies case , it was found that on the last day of his employment as a milkman the defendant , whilst on his round , informed customers that he would soon cease to be employed by the plaintiffs , that he was going to set up business on his own and could supply them with milk .
21 And then , even while she was making valiant efforts to control herself , because for certain he was going to set about strangling her at any moment , after some seconds of looking at her as if staggered , suddenly , and to her amazement , he was seeing the funny side of it also — and he was laughing too !
22 I had no doubts that he was going to pick up the package .
23 His family believed he was going to pick up a bankers draft , but he never showed there and he never reported to hospital .
24 Eubank looked as though he was going to finish off Thornton in the ninth round — and should have done so in the tenth .
25 Blanche caught his look and explained smoothly to the inspector that since Eddy said he was going to bring along a guest so would she .
26 He showed us videos of them in action and I was convinced he was going to bring out the old Kirk Douglas film The Vikings to empha-sise the point , ’ said Neal .
27 Midge had known the moment she saw them that something was wrong and she was hurt by Patrick 's announcement that he was going to pack up his things .
28 ‘ I had no idea he was going to storm off and try to find her there and then , did I ? ’
29 For a long time he had wondered about the history of this little family , now it looked as though he was going to find out .
30 But he was going to find out where Paul was .
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