Example sentences of "he [was/were] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Peter wondered if he were the only person she had n't bothered to tell .
2 as though he were the only god
3 Dawson felt as if he were the advance party for a dawn raid .
4 Mr. Chaudoir has been in England to attend the contemporary music festival Tempo ‘ 92 , at which he was the featured composer .
5 In everything he was the perfect courtier .
6 He was the perfect child .
7 He was the perfect committee chairman : he loved committee work when it was productive , and it always was when he was in the chair .
8 He became so identified with us that he was the perfect penitent and made the perfect confession to the Father for us .
9 Yet when in action he was the perfect fighting machine with a total disregard for his own personal safety .
10 By the time Robert Forbes was introduced to Lorna Lewis he was free , rich and forty-one ; his hair had turned almost completely white and he was the perfect partner for a beautiful actress , eighteen years old , who was so full of ambition she almost trembled with it .
11 When Douglas MacArthur returned to America , MacArthur had not been back to America since nineteen forty one this is ten years later , he 'd been running Japan in the meantime there was one of these huge ticker-tape parades in New York , he was the welcoming hero and President Truman was seen as the villain and some analysts argue that that decision , that single decision to sack MacArthur may well have cost Harry Truman the American presidency .
12 ‘ I could n't give a fuck if he was the Immaculate Conception !
13 Interviewed in the Beirut newspaper An Nahar on Sept. 1 , Aoun called Lebanon 's leaders " marionettes who should be tried for high treason " ; the French magazine Paris Match on Sept. 7 quoted him as saying that the Syrians would only last a year and that he was the future saviour of Lebanon .
14 When Prime Minister John Major stood up in Parliament yesterday , he was the mere messenger sent at the end of a marital power struggle to announce a victory that belonged to Diana .
15 He was the genuine article , a caddie who followed the circuit for year after year and carried the bags of two Open Champions .
16 Of course he was the genuine article , a great champion whose pride would not allow him to give anything but his best .
17 He was the young boy in the photograph , but over six feet now , with broad shoulders and lean hips .
18 ( He was the young man who hoped Tolkien would not read from the manuscript of The Lord of the Rings ) .
19 It is probable that he was the young man of that name from Farnham in Lower Nithsdale , Yorkshire , accused of homicide late in John 's reign , who was arrested but later released into the military household of an unnamed Yorkshire magnate .
20 Many times during this pocket lecture she could have turned and looked at her instructor , and put him clean out of countenance merely by looking ; but she had not done it because she was so sure that he was the young man from the entrance booth , a licensed enthusiast , and entitled to his brief moments of emotional escape .
21 He was the young player who had made such an impression on me during my year on the amateur tour .
22 I felt our situation had been reversed : now I was the halting beginner , he was the fluent expert .
23 At the Old Vic seasons at the New Theatre ( now the Albery ) , he was the tetchy Cauchon in Saint Joan and Claudius with the company at Elsinore in 1950 .
24 Robin Smith is deceived by Mushtaq Ahmed 's googly and bowled , just as he was the one-day international at The Oval earlier in the season .
25 I advised Andrew Stavanger to have nothing to do with it — as he was the controlling shareholder in the shipping company , all he had to do was to say no .
26 He was the Technical Editor of The Embalmer from 1982 to 1986 , he was Chairman of the National Education Committee in 1991–92 and is an Accredited Tutor .
27 He was the episcopal representative of the international commission for English in the Liturgy from 1976 to 1984 .
28 He was the episcopal representative of the international commission for English in the Liturgy from 1976 to 1984 and president of the Liturgy Commission during the same period .
29 In June 1483 , to judge by Mancini ( the only chronicler writing without hindsight in this respect ) , Gloucester preferred instead to emphasize that he was the legitimate heir of York .
30 In June 1483 , to judge by Mancini ( the only chronicler writing without hindsight in this respect ) , Gloucester preferred instead to emphasize that he was the legitimate heir of York .
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