Example sentences of "he [was/were] [verb] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Ace thought the Doctor sounded as if he were trying to coax a dog to do a trick .
2 Damian sat down slowly in his place , completely silenced by the rebuke , staring at Gawain as if he were trying to understand the thought-processes which had led up to it .
3 Hawk always felt ill at ease in these conversations , as if he were forced to read the lines of a savage redskin in a Hollywood film .
4 The sense of effort in his conversation staggered her , and she watched him with pity , for he laboured as though he were to try to write a sonnet , and all the while the conversation was predestined , unnecessary , a mere coin of payment .
5 He began to whistle beneath his breath , a soft sound without a tune , as if he were attempting to imitate the rushing of wind through trees .
6 For thanks once more to his Wagnerian experienced he was beginning to formulate a new interpretation of art , art as a whole , and , in accordance with the given pragmatic logic , a new interpretation of the " Hellenic sphere " as well : a view of Greece and Greek art in direct opposition to the traditional view of which Winckelmann was a prime source .
7 He was beginning to take the idea of pursuit seriously .
8 He was beginning to see a glimmer of sense about this world .
9 She stared apprehensively into fitzAlan 's eyes , searching beneath the gleaming mockery for a sign that he was beginning to remember the events of the night .
10 At the very least , he was beginning to form a picture of the relationship between Peter Fleming , Nona Pitt and Terry Place .
11 He was beginning to form a picture of the murderer and even beginning to wonder if he had a match .
12 In fact , as we shall see in Chapter 3 , he was beginning to evolve a new kind of conservative philosophy , and this was in no sense a time-serving decision , so that when Coleridge returned to ‘ orthodox ’ religion , his interpretation of Christian doctrine was strikingly original .
13 But it by no means establishes that he was beginning to question the stability of species .
14 He was beginning to find the sex interesting , and had already started to wonder whether he should try to make her position permanent .
15 He was beginning to recognise the signs .
16 He was beginning to have a sense of Man things and natural things .
17 She felt that he was beginning to smell a rat .
18 He was beginning to feel a little trapped by Miss Bamfield 's attention .
19 He was beginning to understand the appeal of the religious life , particularly of the life governed by a religious Rule , with its vows of Poverty , Chastity and Obedience .
20 He was beginning to get a bit homesick since they 'd stopped travelling and he 'd been on his own .
21 He was beginning to get the idea that he was n't meant to have a happy future with women .
22 Warrant Officer Peter Loggenberg , a prison warder for 16 years , said he was motivated to join the union because he objected to the imprisonment of Coloured juveniles alongside adult prisoners .
23 Although he did not die , his handsome face was shattered and he was condemned to wander the world in poverty , begging for alms .
24 Mr Reenan says he was pursuaded to hand the tape over to a Sun reporter .
25 The 1942 film , ’ The First of the Few ’ starring Leslie Howard as the designer , told a slightly different story , suggesting he was inspired to design the Sptifire by watching seagulls wheeling in the air .
26 Yo was left of centre but not militant ; in the dying moments of the Japanese administration he was invited to form a transitional administration and agreed to do so , on the basis of the release of political prisoners and of no interference with the organisation of workers , peasants , students and youths .
27 By the time he had developed a strong 40-minute routine , he was invited to do a solo spot on Channel 4 's Friday Night Live .
28 He was delighted , therefore , when the following year he was invited to join a Commonwealth team touring India ; feeling he had a point to prove he made plenty of runs , and was invited on two similar tours in the coming years .
29 In his Esso days he was invited to join the board of Williams $ Glyn .
30 In 1962 he was invited to join the Ferrari team and two years later he was world champion when he pipped Graham Hill by one point .
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