Example sentences of "he [vb infin] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He did not want to bring her in to talk to him , nor did he want to interview her in the presence of her devoted but sharp-eyed husband .
2 ‘ What does he want to interview you for ? ! ’
3 Why would he need to do it in the dark ?
4 Yes , he had been to the Tower himself several times but did not like it there and still less did he like exposing himself in the Waste .
5 However , he already knew Joy and Alan , and the kettle was boiling , so I asked him to sit down , and would he like to join us in a coffin ?
6 Would he mind doing it for you , Mark ?
7 Why did he keep questioning her about boyfriends and engagements ?
8 How dared he try to blame her for what had happened ?
9 But could he have heard it from this room ?
10 Nor could he have said it in 1985 , when the uprating was 35p per child below inflation .
11 What need did he have to justify himself to this pampered youth ?
12 If he was ill , bad luck , but why did he have to ruin everything for me ?
13 ‘ Indeed , if Aristotle was a master of the art and handed his philosophy down to us very carefully , should n't he have proven everything in the most perfect form , especially when he insisted upon it himself — unless perhaps he intended to make fun of us ? ’
14 ‘ Does he have to do it without Choak knowing , sir ? ’
15 Did he have to fix her with that piercing scrutiny ?
16 But why should he have considered me at all ?
17 ‘ Could he have dropped it in the car ?
18 But how did the , what was puzzling a lot of people how did he manage to get it off the ground and into his pocket .
19 ‘ If he wants to kill you , why would he arrange to see you in a restaurant with the whole world looking on ? ’
20 ‘ In that case , ’ retorted Geoffrey , ‘ why did he agree to see him in the first place ? ’
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