Example sentences of "he [vb mod] [verb] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 The building owner may either employ a builder to carry out the work or opening up and eradication , or he may call in one of the numerous specialist firms to deal with the attack .
2 Well he should finish at nine
3 he should finish at nine or is it , or is it five to nine , I think it 's officially five to nine , not that he ever does
4 He must go to ten . ’
5 As for Pemberton , at 250,000 he must rank as one of Wilko 's best buys .
6 ( 2 ) , he must apply within 12 months of the making of the provisional grant to have the grant affirmed , which application has to be accompanied by a full plan of the premises ( subs .
7 But the only other thing perhaps he 'll go with one of the kids , that 's a possibility
8 At the Goldstone I bet he 'll go past three or four players , and then lose the ball taking on a fifth instead of putting our strikers in .
9 And then he 'll go for one of those buggers , an' he 'll do for 'em .
10 The next thing 'll be , he 'll do for one of them , then she 'll find out where she stands . ’
11 He 'll finish at six
12 When Brin goes to Belgium , he 'll leave behind one memento of his time with the Resistance .
13 When Brin goes to Belgium , he 'll leave behind one memento of his time with the Resistance .
14 But he 'll have to two more weeks then afterwards .
15 erm may I suggest Mr if your Lordship would care to sit at ten o'clock and then think he 'll get at eleven fifteen , but really in
16 Close ( growls with gum-chewing menace ) : If he wants to jive , he 'll fall in five !
17 Without his moustache , the little spin magician looked more boyish than ever , prompting the thought that unless he cooled down he might benefit from six of the best from the carpet-slipper .
18 He might go to seven-fifty , ’ McIllvanney said dubiously , as though the price was the only possible objection Ellen might have to whoring herself .
19 He never ever thought that he might live in one of these houses ; he always cast himself as the honoured young guest .
20 Daniel had explained to her that he liked very simple food that he could eat with one hand , because of his inability to eat without reading , and so , for supper his first night , she had brought him scrambled egg on a piece of toast that she had already cut up into precise and helpful squares .
21 He could think of two of his fellow students who might be suitable but they too had degree courses to finish and Adam was beginning to think very seriously of not returning to college .
22 He could drink for twenty-four hours without stopping , but it was not done in a hurry .
23 By this man who had no power over him and whom he could sink with one word to Merymose .
24 He 'd got the one of the quickest er turns of er of brain you know , he could switch from one thing to another , and he was most remarkable .
25 There was n't much Walter did n't know about machines , and what he did n't know he could learn in five minutes .
26 She also knew that he could die within five minutes .
27 Thus equipped , he could dash off two caricatures for publication within the day : but in the case of the coloured books he worked with greater care .
28 I suppose he could live in one of the few old terraces not yet knocked down .
29 Is it not a ridiculous situation when the motoring correspondent of The Times ( 30 Jan. ) describes how he intended travelling from Brighton to Birmingham by rail , but found that he could drive for one quarter of the price , despite sole occupancy of a largish estate car ?
30 In the same edition of The Times , their motor correspondent describes how he considered making the return journey from Brighton to Birmingham by rail , but found that he could drive for one quarter the cost of a second-class fare , despite being the sole occupant of a largish estate car .
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