Example sentences of "he [be] [be] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Lets face it — he s been linked with other clubs since last october .
2 He is not getting the best of scoring service at the moment … he s being used as the target .
3 The minister said that he felt as if he were being pursued by a wild animal and could only throw off his clothes to distract its attention .
4 The press scour whole countries for a sighting of the relaxing politician , and friends who might know where he is are propositioned with both money and arguments such as ‘ I am sure you will agree that it would be better for us to find him before the Daily Mirror ’ .
5 If he is being moved onto a chair with fixed arms , the chair is placed at an angle of about 45° to the bed , and the patient 's foot which is nearer the chair is placed slightly forwards relative to the other .
6 Torn between passion and prudence , he falls in love with a spiteful little blonde , and , even as he is being taught in class how to recognise a typical Jew by his grotesque hooked nose , he is personally being held up as an example of the ideologically acceptable East Baltic race .
7 At one moment of inaction he checks over what he has done and what still remains to be done , in an unspoken conversation when he imagines he is being examined for his second mate 's ticket , his present goal in life and the strong motivation of his apprenticeship .
8 They have a picture of the sort of person the child should be and of the society he is being fitted for , and they aim to civilize an infant ‘ barbarian ’ , ruled by his wants and emotions , into that person .
9 Both relate to the social environment of the person with an established schizophrenic illness : while he is being treated for the disorder in hospital , and after he has been discharged into the community .
10 He was taken to Our Lady 's Hospital in Cashel where he is being treated for burns to his upper body .
11 He is being treated in Middlesbrough General Hospital for a dislocated jaw .
12 He is being replaced by Commander David Tucker , head of SO11 , the Yard 's intelligence section .
13 ‘ A failure to inform a citizen in writing and at the earliest practicable moment of precisely why he is being deprived of his liberty constitutes a fundamental breach of his rights and , where that failure is never remedied , as was the case here …
14 In Clarke v. Clarke [ 1990 ] 2 F.L.R. 115 , 119 Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. said : ‘ A failure to inform a citizen in writing and at the earliest practicable moment of precisely why he is being deprived of his liberty constitutes a fundamental breach of his rights and , where that failure is never remedied [ the committal order ] can not stand . ’
15 When an owner of property against whom an order has been made under the Act comes into this court and complains that there has been some irregularity in the proceedings , and that he is not liable to have his property taken away , it is right , I think , that his case should be entertained sympathetically and that a statute under which he is being deprived of his rights to property should be construed strictly against the local authority and favourably towards the interest of the applicant , in as much as he for the benefit of the community is undoubtedly suffering a substantial loss , which in my view must not be inflicted upon him unless it is quite clear that Parliament has intended that it shall .
16 OLYMPIC archery hero Simon Terry returned to Britain yesterday — to find he is being clobbered by his country .
17 He is being honoured by an exhibition assembling the more than 300 paintings , sculptures and decorative artworks he has donated or promised over the years .
18 From the beginning he had dexterity and deadly accuracy , but he is being prepared for prey that also has dexterity and that may damage him if his approach is clumsy .
19 He is being buffeted from all corners — a victim of circumstance trapped at the centre of a party more divided even than in the final days of Lady Thatcher .
20 He is being pressed by the Hong Kong yacht Foo 2 , the former Jamarella of Britain 's winning Admiral 's Cup team , and Cyclone from the New South Wales team .
21 This should be done with sensitivity , however , as it may cause anxiety should the neophyte teacher feel that she or he is being assessed in teaching skills , especially if the member of teaching staff is unfamiliar .
23 He is being sued by Sarfraz Nawaz , the former Pakistan Test paceman , who — as Super Sport reported last week — vehemently denies Lamb 's claim that he disclosed Pakistani ‘ secrets ’ of making an old ball swing .
24 The racial card has been used to effect in previous New York elections , but in Mr Giuliani 's case he is being criticised as an opportunist for his attacks on the city 's first black Democratic nominee .
25 I would like to ask the current , and I emphasise the current , housing chairman , how much consultation he is being offered to our tenants .
26 As the fish formed a halo around Simon 's head after his death we see that he is being sanctified by nature as he was trying to save nature from mankind .
27 At one point he faints , and as he slowly regains consciousness he imagines that he is being ordered to ‘ merge ’ through ‘ osmosis ’ ( 109/111 ) .
28 He is being wooed by three counter-arguments : first , that when it comes to big , company-wide computer systems , customers still prefer to buy everything from a single , proven supplier ; second , that mainframes will remain at the heart of many of tomorrow 's systems , in which a network of PCs will be served by a central processor ; and third , that IBM is moving away from being hardware-dominated to become , increasingly , a one-stop-shop for computer consultancy and services .
29 Edwards also states that he is being driven by environmental concern and that climbers are wearing the crags away in some place .
30 He is being accused of a ‘ sin ’ .
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