Example sentences of "he [verb] into the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Macaulay gets on the wrong plane and ends up in the Big Apple where he books into the palatial Plaza Hotel , much to the suspicion of various flunkies including a camp Tim Curry .
2 As he checked into the first-class cabin of the big liner , he had never , he thought , felt happier in his life .
3 A FIREMAN told yesterday how he plunged into the blazing wreckage of a motorway pileup to save a trapped lorry driver .
4 From an idealised , spiritual love for Kee which always had something sickly and perverse about it , he plunged into the lightless sub-world of labour , submerging himself in its mean and desperate poverty , as if to kill off once and for all the romanticism which had brought him nothing but pain .
5 He shouted for an ostler , tied Nosey to a metal ring on the stableyard wall and gave the dog a bowl of water before , carrying his map and weapons , he limped into the silent house .
6 He goes into the front bedroom and tells where everything 's going to go .
7 And he goes into the non-title contest revealing : ‘ I do n't bother watching tapes of my opponents any more .
8 When the large chromium headlamps of the Citron were only five feet from them , the first boy flung himself into the roadside ditch and let out a yell of triumph as he tumbled into the filthy water .
9 He led into the first corner , and for two third of the Belgian race looked to be completely in control .
10 He got into the small boat in which he had reached the ship .
11 Daly achieved instant super-stardom when , as ninth reserve and without a caddie , he got into the 1991 US PGA Championship at the last minute , and played like a God for four days on a course he 'd never previously seen to win it .
12 And it did n't worry him when he got into the sensitive parts with his drill ; my strangled cries were of no avail and he carried on remorselessly to the end : I had the impression that Hector thought it was cissy to feel pain , or maybe he was of the opinion that suffering was good for the soul .
13 Izanagi possessed a magical jewelled spear and this he flung into the endless water , creating the first land-mass from its point .
14 ‘ We 're gon na play some DEVIL SATAN WOCK AND WOLL MUSIC ! ! ! ’ announces Fabulous ' strangely Mr Bean-like guitarist to the severe bemusement of a hall full of Farm fans , as he launches into the first of two bloody many dismal three-chord punk thrashes , and on struts Simon Dudfield , oozing ugliness from every pore .
15 Then he ventured into the middle kitchen where most of the food was kept .
16 He bumped into the double doors of the courtroom as they opened out towards him .
17 He moved into the impenetrable gloom of the yard , one hand slipping inside his left hand pocket .
18 After a bat against the spinners , he moved into the faster net to face the English pacemen .
19 As he moved into the darkened hallway he could see those conifers bowing deferentially to the strong breeze .
20 He moved into the little kitchen which led from the sitting-room and soon Nelly could hear the tap running .
21 He moved into the farthest room , which had a tiny square of window set in its far wall and overlooking the rear driveway .
22 Boxing : Colchester Boxing Club 's Andy Farrow showed his versatility when faced by a tricky opponent as he moved into the national schoolboys under-42 kilos semi-finals.Up against a spoiling boxer in the shape of Greg Algar of Eltham BC at Sandwich , Farrow persevered and kept himself out of trouble to win by the narrowest of points decisions.The judges awarded the fight to the 14-year-old Alderman Blaxill pupil 60–58 , 59–58 , 58–60 .
23 He wafted smoke from the side window as he peered into the devastated car .
24 He want into the huge dining room , where at last he found Alfred arranging bottles on the serving tables .
25 He sank into the waiting limo unshaven , crumpled , white-faced , nervous , shattered and by the time he got to the posh Beverly Hills Hotel , in need of the complimentary bottle of Scotch a thoughtful management had left in his room .
26 Landing over the first fence he crashed into the prostrate form of the faller Meon Valley and was brought down .
27 With a whoop of exhileration , he charged into the shallow water .
28 When Edward III of England invaded France , John went to Philip 's aid and fought at the battle of Crecy where , as R.W. Seton-Watson describes it : ‘ giving the reins of his horse to two of his companions , and shouting the battle-cry of ‘ Prague' ’ , he charged into the thick of the fray and , blind as he was , soon went down fighting ( 26th August , 1346 ) .
29 Angel One … whatever you call yourself … listen to me , ’ he shouted into the ensuing silence .
30 He strolled into the only other room that was n't a bedroom .
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