Example sentences of "he [verb] all the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He made all the stars too and the world is one of the stars .
2 But it just seemed that he held all the cards , he made all the decisions .
3 He made all the movements of a man apparently answering a desperate call of nature .
4 The bottom weight , Polyfemus , has done well since joining Michael Robinson 's stable during the summer and he made all the running when beating Charter Hardware 1 ½ lengths over three miles , three furlongs at Chepstow earlier in the month .
5 Tony Martin increased his lead in the Ulster jockeys championship when he made all the running on Bye For Now to take a division of the Mares Maiden Race .
6 In the days when income tax was raging at 83 per cent , he made all the preparations , " bar the rubber stamp " , to emigrate to America .
7 But he got a pattern made and had the base of the machine made at a local foundry and he made all the leverage parts and got the , he got the blades made in Sheffield or somewhere and er he made one for himself .
8 For my insurance assessment , he charted all the work that had been done — each filling ( type and size ) , every capped tooth , the bridge and the state of my gums , etc .
9 Owner Ricci Burns says : ‘ Peter has a wonderful eye and he vetted all the outfits and knew exactly what would suit Tara . ’
10 He checked all the way around the boat — or at least , as far as he could — but he saw no driftwood , nothing .
11 With light-fingered nimbleness he checked all the contents , drawers and secret hiding places in the dressing-case , finding everything intact .
12 He gabbled all the way to the police station about his favourite film noirs .
13 My dad he he usually goes to a pub er it is on I think it 's Road but instead of coming this way he goes all the way into town up the other end , you know past the Hotel , he lives at
14 And he goes all the way down that end and round .
15 He had absorbed enough knowledge of lighting in his career to know who was being given the best spots , and he fought all the time to get Therese pushed out when he was on stage .
16 ‘ We must march with the century ’ are almost his first words ; and he marches all the way to the Lêgion d'honneur .
17 He asked all the men to go to one side of the room and the women to the other .
18 I should have made a point of following up his sickness , thought Cadfael , touched , but I thought he , of all people , would make good sure he got all the treatment he needed .
19 ‘ Anyhow , he got all the horses from Billingford Hall ; and about a month later he got the horses from Hoxne farms , and some time later he got all the horses from Redgrave farms .
20 ‘ Anyhow , he got all the horses from Billingford Hall ; and about a month later he got the horses from Hoxne farms , and some time later he got all the horses from Redgrave farms .
21 He got all the heads , liggers , lunatics in Notting Hill out of their beds ’ , remembers Robins .
22 Yes you did it was er the advertisement I 'd seen or very similar in the Scotsman newspaper and I must admit when he got all the information I thought damn I should have gone for that myself .
23 With his death on the brink of independence , he receives all the acclaim for this achievement and none of the obloquy attached to subsequent conflicts : even though his former BNA and his PVO became heavily involved in the insurgency .
24 Runners up were Manchester Metropolitan University 's stalwart entrant Roy Lee-Faulkner with one of his 18 entries : ‘ Now he 's made everyone else redundant he wins all the rounds of pass the parcel ’ ; and David Jones , finance director of FCO Ltd with : ‘ Now I know that the recession 's hit the profession .
25 This done , though not yet admitted to his brother or , presumably , to anyone else , he found all the justification he wanted in the words of ‘ Father ’ Millet — another of his father-replacements .
26 Regular work for New Society and the Times launched him as a freelance editorial illustrator , and he has an impressive list of clients — in the '80s he drew all the covers for Penguin 's new editions of Anthony Burgess ' work , and his work has appeared in the Independent on Sunday , Observer , Radio Times , New Scientist , American Esquire and — among other things — in numerous advertisements and promotions for whisky in the UK , Ireland and the US .
27 I listened with great interest to my hon. Friend the Member for Liverpool , West Derby ( Mr. Wareing ) when he recounted all the difficulties that one experiences in that unhappy country , or what is left of it at the moment .
28 ‘ To my mind , ’ she wrote , ‘ he has all the qualities of a leading man that the British film industry badly needs at this juncture : youth , good looks , a photogenic face , obviously alert intelligence and a trick of getting the maximum effect with the minimum of fuss . ’
29 ‘ I 'll agree that on the For side you could put the things you listed the other day , that he has all the skills to set the trap and the perfect place to do it . ’
30 Just watch Michael Crawford walking into a wall or , as usual , falling about … he has all the timing of the professional clown .
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