Example sentences of "he [verb] all [art] time " in BNC.

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1 He had absorbed enough knowledge of lighting in his career to know who was being given the best spots , and he fought all the time to get Therese pushed out when he was on stage .
2 Oh he 's off work and you see he has all the time off for councils and you know it is n't as if he 's there fulltime .
3 He grumbled all the time , but was really quite happy because he did not allow himself to worry .
4 What the hell did he do all the time , except drink ?
5 I really love the way he says all the time when things start to go wrong : ‘ I do n't think so . ’
6 We did a great deal of work with music and in listening to sounds and in rhythms , and then a lot of work in which I actually read to him and he followed all the time what I was reading , so that he would try to link the sounds and the words together .
7 He figured all the time he was talking he 'd be keeping me from smashing up his hand with the gun-butt .
8 Well , I remember my father saying of the old Baron that in his last illness he talked all the time of there being a grandson .
9 When Therese was on stage without him , he talked all the time .
10 I hated Gionesca because he complained all the time , and I knew that I could get away with hating him because I was stronger and fitter than him .
11 He tries all the time and never gives up .
12 But then , a few days later , Mervyn Stockwood revealed that he had all the time in fact been helping dissident priests in a variety of clandestine ways , still too secret to be fully detailed : not so much a Red Bishop as a clerical Scarlet Pimpernel .
13 He 'd been in the house for nearly six weeks now and although he had not yet been called upon to take part in a Vibrancy performance , he had all the time in the world to practise .
14 He gave one to Corbett before sitting down opposite , sipping from his own cup as if he had all the time in the world .
15 He kissed her lingeringly as if he had all the time in the world and she felt a shudder run through her at the response he was forcing from her with so little effort .
16 Now he had all the time in the world to read and discuss the serious question : what can Third World countries do to alleviate their debt crisis ?
17 He smoked all the time and at the end asked me to walk with him in the Park .
18 ‘ He is now , ’ said Franca , ‘ but , well , as you know , he talks all the time . ’
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