Example sentences of "he [verb] the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I remember a little boy , I 've got on a picture with me he was a very very poor child and he made the best gloves in the class and it was a real sort of accolade for him .
2 France 's Algerian policy was his policy , not only in the sense that he made the critical decisions about when and how to launch an initiative or offer a concession , but because he personified the policy .
3 He made the usual inquiries about her health and escaped into the kitchen to make the coffee .
4 He made the appropriate motions .
5 In this he made the Black Panthers the first significant radical group to recognize gay liberation as a valid political movement , and did so in terms which provoked hostility from some in his own party : ‘ maybe I 'm injecting some of my prejudices by saying that ‘ even a homosexual can be revolutionary' ’ .
6 He made the following points :
7 In any case , he made feeble efforts to help me get him to his left foot , and with my almost total support he made the few hops to reach the boat , though I could see it hurt him sorely .
8 Wyn-rajathuk shook the pouch , then banged it on the ground , then struck it against his shoulders ; he chanted softly as he made the rhythmic movements , and the words were nonsense words .
9 He made the dead languages into living literature .
10 He idolised the professional wrestlers he saw on television , and was determined to get in on action . ’
11 And he plays the menacing scenes that follow over-lightly , winking at his wife , giving his half smile and making quips .
12 If in refusing , he acted as a reasonable man would have done in the same position , because he entertained the same fears , having regard to the character of the proposed assignee , etc , the real purpose of the assignment , the effect of the assignment on the property or other property of the landlord , etc , the refusal will be upheld as reasonable .
13 He realised the two men would not fight .
14 As he laid the two pictures aside with the first one he felt that it was a farewell — a farewell to his youth , his youth and the greatest happiness that this youth had given him .
15 He checked the other windows , knowing at the same time that it was pointless .
16 It was a warm spring evening and she was sewing by the window while he checked the weekly accounts .
17 When he comes to the destruction of Carthage in 146 he records the contrasting opinions of the Greeks about Rome 's conduct ( 36.9 ) .
18 He stuffed the scrawled pages into an envelope and sealed it .
19 He stuffed the two pieces into Vasili 's anorak pocket .
20 He attacked the eastern Angles between 649/50 and 652 and expelled King Anna whose unexpected return temporarily checked the Mercian advance , though only until 654 or 655 when Penda invaded East Anglian territory again and this time slew him ( HE 111 , 18 ) .
21 He divided the negative states of mind into seven groups which corresponded to his seven groups of intestinal bacteria These were : fear , indecision or uncertainty , indifference , loneliness , over-sensitivity to influences and ideas , despair or despondency and over-concern for the welfare of others .
22 ( Apart from admiring ‘ Doctor Strangelove ’ , he skips the nuclear dilemmas . )
23 Not for him the privations of the secret outdoor life ; he stalked the rich carpets of the Ainsworth home like a king and the ornate collar he always wore added something more to his presence .
24 Although he performed valiantly as a navigator in that most dangerous of all the branches of the armed forces , the Royal Flying Corps , in 1915 , and during his service sustained a serious leg injury , there is little evidence that he experienced the full horrors of trench warfare .
25 His weeklies were produced by new technology in defiance of union opposition , and he planned the same methods for Today .
26 With Albert he planned the royal children 's education and systematized the royal household .
27 He passed the lighted windows of the Incident Room and continued on towards Benson 's .
28 Abudah , Abudah , Abudah , the name jogged up and down in his mind as he passed the crumbling houses , the rusted railings , the impoverished trees and the occasional blank , black face at curtainless windows .
29 He passed the barred windows of Edwin 's studio ; the only light in the building came from an upstairs room , the living-room , where Beryl was almost certainly sitting and brooding alone .
30 He passed the wooden seats , ducked under the willows , and the last they saw of him was his undulating shadow .
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