Example sentences of "he [verb] [vb pp] into the " in BNC.

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1 For the first 11 of those paddling years he never heard of the BCU and it was only through his activities with the Air Training Corps and their involvement with the Devizes to Westminster Race that he got drawn into the position of race Publicity Officer which he has held since the late 70s .
2 Mr Binyon has thought ; he has plunged into the knowledge of the East and extended the borders of occidental knowledge , and yet his mind constantly harks back to some folly of nineteenth century Europe .
3 He has gone into the mole country . ’
4 Discouraged and exhausted by all the struggles of orthodox opera production Brook abandoned the opera house circuit a long time ago but first with Carmen and now Pelleas he has reached into the heart of operas , purifying them without diminishing them .
5 Discouraged and exhausted by all the struggles of orthodox opera production , Brook abandoned the opera house circuit a long time ago but first with Carmen and now Pelleas he has reached into the heart of operas , purifying without diminishing them .
6 God works in and through the processes he has built into the natural world .
7 Six times he has burst into the line and over for a try .
8 Of all the below-the-line babies he has delivered into the AMV fold , it is The Electronic Studio that Baulk heralds as having the most potential for growth and innovation .
9 He has entered into the contract with his eyes open to the true facts ; the statement itself will not have influenced him .
10 He lies in the bath scented , marinated by the little sachets and ampoules of emollients he has tipped into the water .
11 the horse and the rider he has thrown into the sea .
12 On Saturday , early afternoon , he 'd gone into the city to get his watch repaired and returned about five o'clock .
13 As he opened his mouth in protest , she lifted her hand to stop him and her elbow caught the card which he 'd pushed into the bin .
14 Barely more than half an hour before , he 'd driven into the village on an errand for the Venetz sisters and although he saw almost no one along the way , he 'd been able to sense a tension in the air ; it was a faint background buzz like that of power lines in the rain .
15 Once , while a student of practical magic at Unseen University , and for a bet , he 'd slipped into the little room off the main library — the room with walls covered in protective lead pentagrams , the room no-one was allowed to occupy for more than four minutes and thirty-two seconds , which was a figure arrived at after two hundred years of cautious experimentation …
16 He 'd walked into the boathouse and tried to pick up an envelope and the floor had given way beneath him and a piece of beam was missing , and if I had n't been there with him he would certainly have drowned in the dock , impaled on something lurking beneath the surface .
17 He 'd walked into the ordinary office on an ordinary day .
18 Watching from the window , Hilary grinned as she saw him hurry towards the driver , and only when he 'd climbed into the car did she move .
19 " But how would he have got into the Biology Lab , then ? "
20 The warning alert must have been sounding since he had broken into the room .
21 Though he had lurched into the kitchen like a drunken huntsman , he had known what to do .
22 Asked to explain why he had burst into the bedroom of his landlady 's attractive teenage daughter , Tom away the towel with which she was drying herself and started a close fingertip search of her backside , Berkas explained that he had left a valuable foreign stamp soaking in the bath and returned to find that it had disappeared .
23 The last occasion he had parachuted into the sea , at night , operationally , had been off South Georgia .
24 By the time he had staggered into the yard he could hardly stand up , hitting the ancient , mossy mounting block and tripping over one of the green tubs filled with white geraniums , as Little Chef came bounding out to lick him on the nose .
25 Her eyes were sparkling and her legs bustling when he had staggered into the incident room an hour late at nine o'clock : he had been so tired he had slept through the high-pitched beep of his alarm clock .
26 He had plunged into the den of architects once more , and been suitably bloodied .
27 a chivalric Don Quixote figure of absolute non-compromise in matters ( as he sees them ) of virtue and truth , in effect an overspill from The Idiot — which Dostoevsky seems to have recognized , for he abandoned the positive and sublime venture , and hived off the comic material he had accumulated into the drunken buffoon Captain Lebyadkin who grows into a substantial second-rank character in The Possessed ; , and as to Kartuzov , the novelist left us with nothing more than his cappy surname .
28 The staff listed consists only of the chancellor , one of the greatest of the royal officers , whose wages were five shillings a day , the master of the writing-office , who originally had tenpence a day , but Robert de Sigillo had made himself so indispensable that he had risen into the two shilling class , and the chaplain in charge of the chapel and relics .
29 Cornelius wondered whether he had stumbled into the rehearsal for some fringe event of the now legendary Edinburgh Festival .
30 And then he discomfited her utterly by keeping that silence until he had turned into the Hamiltons ' driveway , switched off the engine , and opened the boot to retrieve her luggage .
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