Example sentences of "he [verb] [adv] [verb] over " in BNC.

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1 He has already taken over 12 million paces and worn out six pairs of tough walking boots .
2 The player can control the direction which the machine moves in , representing the efforts of its crew to steer the thing by leaning precariously to one side or the other , but he has no say over the speed .
3 He has now moved over a mile away from Youngs ' home .
4 Some still persist in their view that Morris burnt his boat when he chose previously to hand over the captaincy , saying in effect that he thought his cricket was suffering because of it .
5 A woman spends many years charring in Cremona ; she saves all her money to buy an apartment for her son when he gets married ; her no-good husband , the boy 's father , reappears after years and demands assistance ; she refuses ; when the son is engaged , she relents and negotiates subsidies to her ex-husband , for a suit , a car , a wedding-present ; she organizes a big reception to which she invites all her former employers ; nobody comes except a tennis-star ; there is no sign of the husband ; her lawyer tells her that the girl her son is marrying is her husband 's mistress and that he had already taken over the apartment ; she reflects a moment and decides to carry on with the reception , everything is all right , ‘ if no one notices anything , it is as though nothing has happened ’ ; passers-by are invited to join the wedding-party , which they happily do because the tennis-star is present ; the husband turns up in his new car ; no one takes any notice of him because no one knows who he is , except for the dealer he sometimes does jobs for , who tells him all new cars lose half their value as soon as they are bought and end up on the scrapheap anyway .
6 We were examined by the Director Of the Musikhochschule , Franz Schmidt ; he had recently taken over .
7 He had recently taken over this region , which had previously been subject to the Ptolemies in Egypt .
8 She had also been surprised at how easy she had found it to talk to him , about all the private , intimate failures and successes of her life ; fascinated to hear about his problems with the privately owned Wyndham International Banking Corporation , which he had recently taken over from his father .
9 Are we to assume then that he had now switched over from being an evangelist and was a deliberate artist in the making , out in the open for all to see ?
10 He had now knocked over a bottle of gentian violet .
11 Is there someone he 's never got over ?
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