Example sentences of "he [verb] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The first thing he did he made friends amongst the young men in the college .
2 He made jibes at the expense of more energetic writers , saying that they were cheap and did not rewrite enough .
3 He was so distraught by the ‘ vernal desolation of avarice ’ after 1809 at Lodore and Manesty that ‘ dreading farther mischief , ’ he made drawings of the lake margin from Stable Hills to Isthmus .
4 West Ham 's first-team coach angrily refutes the charge that he made V-signs at the lout during the 5-1 victory .
5 He made transcripts of the fiction , and of all the other major documents .
6 He made patterns in the space , first up and down , then diagonally across , always within the open area between the stream and the thicket .
7 He made rounds throughout the night , checking on the oxen and buffaloes tethered in the field .
8 The next day he made enquiries about the journey .
9 He did n't tell long stories like Patsy did , or wistful tales like Dekko Moore about the time he made harnesses for the Lords of the Soil somewhere down in Meath .
10 Back in Scotland , he made measurements of the velocity of light with James Young [ q.v. ] , but their result came out somewhat higher than was later accepted .
11 How he was so oppressive , how he was so strong and hairy and his voice was so loud and when he washed of a morning he made splashes in the wash-basin and blew his nose into the water , both nostrils at once into the soapy water and …
12 Shanaz 's relations asked their MP to intervene , and while he made representations to the Minister with special responsibility for Immigration ( Shirley Summerskill , Britain 's representative at the United Nations Status of Women Conference ) she was kept in detention .
13 I was keen to stay close to Harvey while he made preparations for the dispatch of this agent , but Harvey left the flat before breakfast .
14 SEPT 5 : Allegations — unproven — that he made gestures to the Wimbledon crowd after scoring his second goal in Arsenal 's 3-2 defeat .
15 He made contributions to the theory of cyclonic and anticyclonic development , the formation of dew and hoar frost , and the measurement of air temperature .
16 In the early years of the twentieth century he made contributions to the techniques of gunnery , for instance , in improving ballistic calculations , designing a range-finder that was used in the Boer war , and a new form of gun-sight for the Navy .
17 He made imprints of the keys in bars of soap before returning them to the sleeping prison officer .
18 He plays darts for the local pub , and his wife Anne , has joined the Womens Institute .
19 A friend said to me , ‘ Listen , you 've got to hear this guy ; he plays blues on the accordion . ’
20 Mr Ferhat Usta , a Muslim , said he realised minutes before the operation that his kidney was going to a Briton .
21 He cultivated members of the aristocracy and sprinkled them among his company boards to impress potential investors .
22 He rubs shoulders in the Eastwood gym with a variety of champions that include Paul Hodkinson and Crisanto Espana .
23 Then he experienced pains in the chest , faintness , sickness and sweating .
24 A minute later I heard the orderly 's voice inside the compound as he passed cigarettes to the Canadian through the window of the cell next door .
25 Next came Cooder 's first real involvement with film-work ; over the next two or three years he produced soundtracks for The Long Riders , Southern Comfort and The Border .
26 In his vigorous speech , he produced examples of the statements he has made .
27 There he produced cars under the Scuderia ( Team ) Ferrari banner but these were basically Alfa designed cars .
28 He disputed figures in The Northern Echo poll which said 15pc were undecided and gave Labour an 11pc lead .
29 He agreed accounts of the alleged ‘ roundabout ’ payment were based on hearsay , but added : ‘ The journalists will be questioned about what they knew and even journalists will tell the truth when they are called . ’
30 I would stand on street corners with him while he sold copies of the Morning Star .
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