Example sentences of "he [verb] [pers pn] about that " in BNC.

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1 He told you about that ? ’
2 He told you about that ?
3 and then we started speaking to this chap and say we were looking for this place where the erm , they sell all this food and so on , what 's the name of the place , he said oh he says it 's finished , so he said you know where the er , we said er where 's somewhere good you know to , to go and have a nice sleep , and he told us about that place up the mountain where we went , where we all went the last time
4 And why had he told her about that unlocked door ?
5 Knowing Louis 's concern for the Holy Land in 1147 he had led the French army on the Second Crusade — he put it about that all he really wanted to do was put his own house in order , make proper provision for his children , and then he would be off on crusade in his lord 's company .
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