Example sentences of "he [verb] [pers pn] by [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Finding Alec Davidson was much easier than I thought although he surprised me by what he had become .
2 During the 23-minute chat he called her by her pet name ‘ Squidgy ’ , told her he loved her and asked her to blow kisses down the phone to him .
3 She noticed he called her by her title , not her Christian name .
4 ( he called us by our Christian names )
5 He was bigger than I and he grabbed me by my Sidcot collar and hauled me in the direction of the CFI 's office , I did not even have time to shake off my parachute before we burst into the " Holiest of Holies " .
6 " You blasted idiots ! " he cried ; and , as they cowered back against the wall , he seized them by their shirt collars and shook them furiously .
7 Well it happens , and it 's made possible because he does it by his spirit .
8 He left her by it , that smile in his voice again inviting her to share his levity .
9 But an object contemplated for its beauty alone spontaneously attracts the spectator and rouses him to expand and intensify his awareness of it ; and however much or little trust he may put in the formulation of aesthetic standards , he evaluates it by his reaction at the unsustainable height of concentration when he is responding to all his information at once .
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