Example sentences of "he [verb] [prep] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 The poor astronaut who falls into a black hole will still come to a sticky end ; only if he lived in imaginary time would he encounter no singularities .
2 How far has he flown in this time ? unc Answer 54,825.0 kilometres Again the figures move to higher place values , this time two places to the left while the decimal holds its place .
3 ‘ You have the money ? ’ he asked after some time .
4 When he moved at this time to larger premises at no. 5 Charing Cross , his maps were reputed the finest being engraved anywhere in the world .
5 These feelings tend to be transitory but some patients remain psychologically disturbed for many years and , in a few psychological difficulties develop in the convalescent period which were not apparent during the acute episode.While these problems can sometimes be anticipated in hospital on the basis of the patient 's reaction to his illness , and any premorbid difficulties which he has encountered in the past , a better idea of his potential can be gained by following him during the convalescent period to observe how he copes with the various stresses and strains which he encounters during this time .
6 Thirty years afterwards Charles still felt deeply the humiliation he suffered at this time ; but unlike some little princes in similar situations , he lived , politically as well as literally , to fight another day .
7 Among places he surveyed at this time were the park of Auckland Castle and Lanchester Common .
8 He came in three times to sign books .
9 He has never forgotten the lessons he learnt at that time .
10 However , Nietzsche 's first editors ( 1895 ) , then his sister ( 1897 ) , and subsequently the world at large have asserted that the scale of this last revision was substantial and , specifically-that of the book 's eventual twenty-five sections , he added at this time the final six ( 20–25 ) , which are partly ( though not , as is often said , largely ) concerned with Wagner . "
11 He added at this time that the further information was that the occupants of the flat at we were frightened of I also .
12 Was genuine he added at this time that er the further information was that the occupants of the flat at were frightened of .
13 After bodyguard work he turned to full time military journalism in 1985 ; and has been a frequent and major contributor to the French magazine RAIDS .
14 precisely Mr Chairman if I could answer that the , the , the once the inspector comes back to the Fire Service and reports again and he is due back in June , we will then look at the matters he raises at that time and he will look at the progress report er what , what has happened since his last inspection and then we will have the opportunity to look at what the Inspector has , has to say after his visits , not very far away er , their Chief Officer will go on with this programme
15 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the case breaks new ground , that he acted at all times on legal advice and that wise counsel should permit the case to go before the House of Lords rather than rush to judgment now ?
16 And yet the mundane circumference beyond which he stepped at such times was also necessary to him : it was the circle in which he could stand and be safe .
17 But I think that by the end of his career , Mario knew that he belonged to another time and another place .
18 Faced with a slump in orders , or with any problems over the supply of raw materials , he simply could not employ many of those he needed in brisker times .
19 What type of vehicle has he arrived in this time ?
20 When Queen Elizabeth , on a state visit to Germany in May 1965 , arrived in Stuttgart for a formal lunch , John took care over his clothes but either forgot or did not think it necessary to find a pair of socks less obtrusive than the bright reds or blues he favoured at that time .
21 He talked for some time about a poet called Rimbo .
22 But his philosophy that when your ‘ time 's up your time 's up ’ saw him through and he 's back to tell the tale , though sadly he chose not to include the pictures he took at that time .
23 I mention this only because it is one of the dominant features in an inspector 's life , the shadow of which he feels at all times .
24 With the benefit of a later viewpoint , aided not least by the opportunity to reflect on Bolinger 's own work , we would suggest that , in most cases , other answers are more appropriate than the ones which he offered at that time ( nevertheless , we return to this article more than once in the chapters which follow ) .
25 He listened for some time before judging it safe to tiptoe downstairs .
26 If you kick a child all his schooldays , force him to labour sixteen hours a day seven days a week , yank out his teeth with forceps when they ache , bleed him when he is ill , beat him throughout his apprenticeship , starve him when he falls on bad times , and finally let him die in the workhouse when he ages prematurely , then you have educated a man , in the best way possible , to be indifferent .
27 One of the most attractive designs that he did at this time was for Kay Dick 's novel , An Affair of Love ( 1953 ) .
28 Sara would always remember gratefully the help he gave at that time ‘ to render a miserable cottage , an abode of comparative comfort ’ .
29 The Oxford lectures which he gave at this time were eventually to be published as The Discarded Image , perhaps the most completely satisfying and impressive book he ever published .
30 And where did he live at that time ?
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