Example sentences of "he [verb] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He made a thumbs down sign .
2 Anselm immediately dropped the threat of excommunication when the king returned his lands and revenues , and he made no conditions about the issue of homage or investiture beyond agreeing that he and the king should make a joint approach to the pope to hasten a settlement .
3 And last night he made no apologies for the controversial remarks in this week 's edition of the magazine .
4 He made no sketches in advance but got straight down to work with pencil and ruler , drawing the outline before filling in with emulsion paint .
5 Though he was concerned for his children , he made no plans for the future .
6 He made no approaches to her of that kind .
7 He made no bones about his own nationalistic aims for Burma , but he kept faithfully to his brief and certainly helped Indians to see what would happen if the Japanese were victorious .
8 He made no bones about displaying his artistic temperament .
9 He made no bones about stating his own views or criticising theirs .
10 Jim Lewis was an outrageous flirt , but since he made no bones about it , she knew it was quite harmless .
11 He made no enquiries about travelling any farther than that .
12 He made no allegations concerning his time in homes at the age of four , but complained about his time at the smallholding in Anglesey .
13 For the next eighteen months , Austen Chamberlain worked behind the scenes to maintain the interests of his party , just as Law had done , but he had no personal sympathy for the diehards or their views , and he made no gestures of conciliation to them .
14 He made the officers on another occasion agree to give a woman 6d ( 2½p ) a week , " touching in particular her being a poor sickly woman , as also her husband having no work to do " .
15 The court heard that he made the calls after a drinking spree celebrating his 19th birthday three weeks ago .
16 A self-appointed leader , he made the rules without being explicit about them or even explaining that there were rules .
17 He made the connections between the social and instinctive bases of behaviour we have been demanding .
18 He made the claims on prime-time TV , in his first interview since August when he was accused of molesting his and Mia 's adopted seven-year-old daughter , Dylan .
19 Lear showed the sheen of strong flight-feathers , as well as the soft down of the breast ; he made the feathers around the neck look ruffled by the wind , and characterised the unique texture of feathers on the feet .
20 He made the Poles on his territory pay double the level of taxes paid by Germans , encouraged the Poles to sell up and move out and refused to rent out Royal Estates to Poles , declaring that he would rather see Danzig merchants working Pomeranian soil .
21 He made the stairs in one breathless rush , expecting at any moment another , more accurate shot .
22 From them he made the cornfields of immortal Camelot .
23 When Ross reached that area , he charted the islands as a separate group , the Russell Islands .
24 In another broadcast on Jan. 13 he disclosed the names of nine men , eight of whom he said had been arrested , and a magistrate on Jan. 19 formally charged five soldiers and four officers including Col. Guillermo Alfredo Benavides , director of a military school , in connection with the murders .
25 He disclosed the terms of the American offer , he left no doubt that they were in his opinion the best that could be obtained and should be accepted , and he rounded things off with what were interpreted as some highly uncomplimentary remarks about the quality of the Congressional opinion which had to be accommodated .
26 He must show , on the balance of probabilities , both that he did not examine the article and that he entertained no suspicions about the nature of its contents .
27 Here he entertained the celebrities of the day , Pope , Warburton , Richardson , Quin and Garrick , who would all have spent time with the local squire of Widcombe .
28 He waited for an answer , then he whispered the words of forgiveness .
29 He whispered the words in her ear .
30 He whispered the names of the Jaguthin , and his fists clenched with pain .
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