Example sentences of "he [verb] [adv] on the " in BNC.

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1 His instincts , honed over the years as he lived continuously on the threshold of danger , warned him that things were about to change .
2 He lived right on the main road he was very vulnerable !
3 He plays more on the left hand side which is not my favourite position , I prefer to play on the right .
4 Furthermore , when he checked back on the correlation between his simple lix values and the criterion of pooled estimates of difficulty , he found that the figure was 0.92 , which was exactly the same as that obtained from the multiple regression .
5 At the Chair he pricked his ears and sailed over the gaping ditch with such abandon that he pecked slightly on the landing side .
6 As he passed again on the other side of the road on his way back forty minutes later he was caught up in the very worst time of day for traffic .
7 When he 's dried out , he goes back on the road , an entertainer for whom the drug of applause and audience-love assuages his insecurity .
8 When his mind 's on fisticuffs he sits in on the training sessions there .
9 Branch manager Richard Fairhurst took a back seat for the day , as he rode along on the back of a tandem .
10 He rides off on the bicycle , my bicycle , which is too small for him .
11 Edward did not create it from nothing , but he founded a new town — King 's Town — on the old site , which he manipulated especially on the western side .
12 We went swimming with Jonathan the other night and he got up on the top board and sort of and he was sort of like hanging on to the bar like this looking over
13 I was milking my goats in the field , and he got down on the ground and put his head near my foot .
14 Even when he was small , out hunting , and broke his arm , could n't wait until he got back on the horse , used his stock for a sling and rode home . ’
15 ‘ So you 've been up the barrow , ’ Jos said out of the blue , as he lined up on the final double .
16 But neither does he fall back on the traditional liberal solution of improving educational provision , since he has no illusions about the difficulties of inculcating the civic virtues necessary for proper development .
17 And er he sort of admitted that he lives absolutely on the fringe of the no go area .
18 He moved diagonally on the tennis court like a ballet dancer might on the stage .
19 Past Ruthyn and Clocaenog and into the Cambrian mountains and the Berwyns , hampered by vile weather , and impeded by swollen streams and misty hills , he moved methodically on the lines laid down for him , and made no contact with any substantial enemy .
20 He drew up on the other side of the tall white gates and fished in his grey sack .
21 He drew deeply on the cigarette — hand-rolled , Matthew could not help noticing and hoped no-one else had — in his holder .
22 He drew deeply on the cigarette and stared out at the darkening sea .
23 Again and again he bore down on the Annamese woman and as his movements quickened he kept his gaze fixed challengingly on Flavia Sherman 's face .
24 He held another Council in May 1108 on the same model as the last , with a similar representation of lay magnates , but on this occasion he concentrated entirely on the administrative problems arising from his earlier decree against clerical marriage .
25 As he dwelt particularly on the menace of the French positions on the Left Bank , the Heir to the Throne must have had some difficulty hiding a note of ‘ I-told-so-you-so ’ For Falkenhayn , in his insistence on limiting the attack to one bank only , had stood in an isolation that was hardly splendid .
26 He dwelt especially on the insulating and prophylactic properties of excessive flesh , remarking at one point , ‘ Without the upholstery of embonpoint the body is a mere skeletal spring , ready to uncoil its very mortality . ’
27 To steady himself he sank down on the side of the bed .
28 One man who could have a busy day on Sunday if he drops in on the above conference will be Michael Billington , the theatre critic of The Guardian .
29 It caught him full in the middle of his back , throwing him into the air before he crashed down on the cobbles .
30 He sucked furiously on the joint , staring at the ceiling .
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