Example sentences of "he [verb] [adj] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He made substantial tax cuts , reducing the top rate of individual tax from 50 to 30 per cent and corporate tax from 45 to 40 per cent .
2 Martin Parr was not a hasty man , but before he went to sleep he made two phone calls .
3 He made persistent phone calls to Lynsey , visited her home , invited her to drinks and dinner — and trapped her in his surgery when he was alone .
4 He made natural history sound and feel like something central and poetic ; not an activity for Scoutmasters and a butt for Punch jokes .
5 He made some non-committal reply and thought no more about it until , a couple of days later , when the mob was actually storming the chancery building in the main square , he looked out of the window to see the assistant military attache playing the pipes .
6 He made more gossip column copy than our delightful princess .
7 Unexpectedly three of the seven items are of Mozart-an early little sonata which he magicks into the status of masterpiece , as well as the late B minor Adagio and Rondo in D. The best-known of Schubert 's Moments Musicaux , the little F minor , is given a chirpily personal reading , before he tackles three Liszt pieces , the Fantasy based on Schubert 's Serenade as well as the Valses-Caprices nos 6 and 7 .
8 Does he want some baby food ?
9 He refereed international bridge matches ; and was goalkeeper for the Casuals when they won the AFA Cup final in 1913 .
10 However , he mistook certain war-time conditions in the main belligerent states as being irreversible changes .
11 He ruled that placing advertising inserts in Mail Newspapers 's publications without the company 's authority or consent ‘ constitutes or involves the making of a misrepresentation ’ .
12 But the court heard he passed SIX slip roads where he could have turned off .
13 Then to our surprise he produced CAST IRON plate ‘ No. 2 ’ off Carlisle , and if that were not enough , the wooden trespass board that appears in the well known photograph of ‘ No. 1 ’ near Horderley .
14 Morrison said later he felt Border had edged the ball , but he agreed that television replays appeared to show the ‘ woody ’ sound was probably the ball touching the stump .
15 Old Mr Pascall saw no reason why he should make life easy for a gossiping female and made her hold on , while he sold two ballpoint pens and a packet of rubber bands .
16 Then she realized that books were really only a sideline to his stationery business ; he sold more birthday cards than books .
17 What is certain , however , is that around the tail end of the '80s he met fellow Skin victim Jarboe , signed their other band Swans to a disastrous one-album major deal and cheered up .
18 What is certain , however , is that around the tail end of the '80s he met fellow Skin victim Jarboe , signed their other band Swans to a disastrous one-album major deal and cheered up .
19 During his US stay , Menem , accompanied by Economy Minister Domingo Cavallo , also visited Houston , New York and Miami ( where he met Cuban exile leaders ) .
20 Through his training , he met Olympic javelin gold medallist Tessa Sanderson .
21 One day he met some sea canoeists who had crossed Luce Bay .
22 In a budget report presented in mid-1990 , the Minister of Finance , Kinza Clodumar , said that he expected that phosphate royalties would drop by A$10,000,000 from the 1989-90 figure of A$25,000,000 .
23 Also addressing the Dolphin Centre rally was Darlington-born Tom Sawyer , deputy secretary of NUPE , who won a roar from the crowd when he announced new opinion poll findings giving Labour a six point lead .
24 Engstrom had been Deputy Finance Minister until 11 days previously when he became interim Finance Minister on Kjell-Olof Feldt 's resignation from the caretaker government .
25 Appointed Managing Director of Guinness Brewing Worldwide in April 1987 and Group Managing Director of Guinness in May 1989 , he became joint Deputy Chairman in May 1992 .
26 I interviewed him when he became First Sea Lord and on one or two other occasions , and I always slightly regretted that my commitment to current affairs had prevented me from taking up Associated Rediffusion 's offer to spend two years with him , at home and abroad , researching and scripting the thirteen programmes they were planning on his Life and Times — a task subsequently and admirably performed by John Terraine .
27 He became New Spool Weaving Supervisor in 1969 and on the closure of the department transferred as Supervisor to the Crabtree Threading section .
28 In January 1884 he became senior mathematics master at Blairlodge School , Stirlingshire ; in January 1885 he was appointed mathematical master ( later head of mathematics ) at King Edward 's High School , Birmingham , where he remained until his retirement in March 1920 .
29 IN A SPEECH a few weeks after he became Conservative Party chairman , Chris Patten developed an interesting thesis about this election .
30 Gehlen 's army career had begun in the late 1920s and as a staunch Nazi supporter he had enjoyed rapid promotion until he became military intelligence chief of Hitler 's Wehrmacht Foreign Armies East .
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