Example sentences of "on her at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Is this how princes use their power and privilege ? ’ she raged , and his hands loosened their grip on her at the fury in her face .
2 A black depression descended on her at the thought .
3 In other words , according to this view , Germany along with all the other nations stumbled into war in nineteen fourteen , was then declared , simply because she was the defeated party , declared to be the guilty party , erm had punitive terms imposed on her at the Treaty of Versailles , and as a result of this moved towards extremism in internal politics , with the erm consequence that the Democratic Republic of Weimar collapsed , erm Hitler came to power , and Hitler was some kind of evil person , a Satanic messenger from Hell , who first of all visited his atrocities on , on the Germans before doing the same to Europe as a whole .
4 Mr Butner — who developed a friendly , working relationship with Diana — eventually called on her at the palace .
5 the stimulator on her at the moment .
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