Example sentences of "on or [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On or under the cover
2 Most of Iraq 's 800 or so aircraft have spent the war on or under the ground in well-protected shelters and hiding places .
3 At the 1990 North Sea Conference the right to put radioactive waste on or below the sea bed was insisted upon by Britain , provoking the Dutch Environment Minister to assert that " Britain is playing with all our lives " .
4 As always women must wear a skirt on or below the knee to get into the enclosure and men have to wear a tie — regatta traditions which are rigidly adhered to .
5 In 1987 ( the most recent information available — see below ) more than one in three older women ( 35 per cent ) were living on incomes on or below the poverty line as defined by supplementary benefit levels , compared with less than one-quarter of older men ( 23 per cent ) .
6 Just under half of lone older women compared with just under two-fifths of single older men had incomes on or below the poverty line .
7 A great talking-point , on or off the 'phone — turn your desk into a helipad !
8 Gould also made a considerable name for himself at home , finally attaining the scientific status he had yearned for as an ornithologist , on or off the field .
9 Available on or off the bone , the meat is usually from only the breasts of the birds and is lightly smoked , moist and quite delicious .
10 Neither could they smoke or ‘ be guilty of noisy behaviour or bad language on or off the course ’ .
11 As far as possible , the trained staff on our non-emergency vehicles are reserved for high-dependency patients , travelling on wheelchairs , or even stretchers , or who require significant assistance on or off the vehicle .
12 In earlier version of the program it was impossible to line anything up anyway because the program 's internal accuracy was insufficient ; the classic 11 point being converted by the program into 10.98 point with the rounding errors occasionally throwing an extra line on or off the page .
13 Clicking on this reveals the SmartIcons dialog box and it 's pretty obvious how this works — you simply drag icons on or off the list on the left of the screen .
14 The next 3 Surveys will investigate in greater depth the factors that assist or impede the various activities of farm families on or off the farm , whether agricultural or nonagricultural , paying special attention to the impact of policy .
15 But if I am competing , on or off the track , I want to win .
16 An offer of merchandise is communicated to the customer in , on or off the pack .
17 The future of teacher education in the polytechnics is uncertain and much will depend on national decisions concerning the size of the teacher training machinery , made by the DES on or against the advice of the Advisory Committee on the Supply and Education of Teachers , as well as local decisions concerning staff and resources made by the polytechnics and their local authorities in their search for economies .
18 Microwaves create very short , high energy radio-waves which agitate and heat water molecules on or near the surface of foods .
19 At the same time , the earthworms burrow deep into the subsoil bringing minerals to the surface , churning and mixing mineral and organic matter in their gizzards , depositing the excavated material on or near the surface in very stable crumbs exactly the right size for optimum exploitation by plant root-hairs .
20 There is further evidence to indicate that nitrogen applications on or near the surface tend to make earthworms feed and excrete their castings well below the surface .
21 Most pesticides are lethal to earthworms on or near the surface , and some can kill in very small concentrations to a great depth .
22 Since older miners were usually no longer fit to work at the coal-face and did less well-remunerated jobs on or near the surface , this meant that in old age — if they reached it — their pensions were to be a calculated on the basis of their more poorly paid years at work !
23 Second , the only way of avoiding this presumption of responsibility is for the defendant to prove either ( a ) that the driving , accident or damage occurred before he took the car , or ( b ) that he was neither in , on or near the vehicle when that driving , accident or damage occurred .
24 Those at the top , on or near the board of directors , may exercise strategic control over investment and planning of markets and products .
25 We noted the grim approaches ; incessant traffic noise in narrow streets ; parked vehicles hemming in the pavement ; rubbish dumps on waste land nearby ; the absence of green playing spaces on or near the school sites ; tiny playgrounds ; gaunt looking buildings ; often poor decorative conditions inside ; narrow passages ; dark rooms ; unheated and cramped cloakrooms ; unroofed outside lavatories ; tiny staff rooms ; inadequate storage space with consequent restrictions on teaching materials and therefore methods ; inadequate space for movement and P.E. ; meals in classroom ; art on desks ; music only to the discomfort of others in an echoing building ; non-soundproof partitions between classes ; lack of smaller rooms for group work ; lack of spare room for tuition of small groups ; insufficient display space ; attractive books kept unseen in cupboards for lack of space to lay them out ; no privacy for parents wishing to see the head ; sometimes the head and his secretary sharing the same room ; and , sometimes all around , the ingrained grime of generations .
26 Law 18 Tackle , Lying with , on or near the ball
27 Surgery can interfere with all of these processes either directly , by operations on or near the heart and lungs , or indirectly via anaesthetic gases and drugs .
28 And it is not always a matter of sleeping in a swank hotel nearby ; several investigating teams have , from time to time , had to share a tent on or near the accident site because of the remoteness of the crash .
29 These flies are usually quite secretive , living in herbage on or near the ground , and so the fungus has evolved an elaborate strategy to obtain the best wind dispersal of its spores .
30 motor vehicles used by Her Majesty 's Coastguard or the Coastguard Auxiliary Service to aid persons in danger or vessels in distress on or near the coast
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