Example sentences of "on his [noun sg] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Captain is having to rely on his memory to negotiate the channel .
2 But Holligan wasted no time in the seventh and an even better left-hook stretched Ekubia on his back to earn the Liverpool lad a Lonsdale Belt .
3 At the centre of political power , Johnson depended on his ability to retain the confidence of Congress over Vietnam ; and here also the overwhelming support , revealed in 1964 over the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution , began to break up .
4 The achievement of all three aims would depend , to a large extent , on his ability to maintain the reputation for winning battles which had secured his appointment as military and political supremo .
5 This was an unlikely eventuality since he also had a tattoo on his forearm showing the Union Jack with the caption , ‘ These colours do n't run . ’
6 Sullivan crawled to the relative security of the chancery 's central corridor and on his walkie-talkie ordered the US marines guarding the compound not to resist , still less to shoot anyone .
7 The one hope is that Sir Patrick Mayhew will finally deliver on his promise to give the talks process ‘ direction and focus ’ , rather than act as an interested observer .
8 Lewis earned a shot at Bowe 's title after destroying ‘ Razor ’ Ruddock in October and the WBC acted honourably when stripping the champion of his title for reneging on his promise to fight the number one contender .
9 In 1968 Nixon won the Presidential election , on his promise to end the war , but even he wanted victory for America and would not withdraw until this had been achieved .
10 Although he sailed over with King George , as some twenty-five years previously he had accompanied the Prince of Orange on his voyage to claim the crown , he received only an annuity of £400 from the new monarch , was soon deep in debt again , and ended his days in a debtor 's prison .
11 She wriggled her backside on his lap to make the path between her thighs more easily accessible .
12 Admiral Lord Nelson is said to have stopped for tea in the local Anchor Hotel on his way to join the British Fleet at Trafalgar .
13 He was killed by an axe blow to the base of his skull as he walked through woods to the railway station in the settlement of Semkhoz on his way to conduct the early morning service at his church in the nearby village of Novaya Derevnya .
14 ‘ Marler was on his way to see the chief on Dartmoor .
15 One day , on his way to do the ploughing , he met a man who 'd just come back from the south and had passed several flocks of sheep on the other side of Chhakuri Lekh .
16 The husband , Dennis , shuddering in the cold on his way to work , on his way to watch the night , forgets .
17 A senior French detective is on his way to question the man , a spokesman said . ’
18 He was there when MacMillan made his famous ‘ Winds of Change ’ speech and recalls being on the same Dakota plane to Sierra Leone as the Foreign Secretary , who was on his way to grant the former colony independence .
19 It was Dennis , stopping off for a pee on his way to replenish the supply of social oxygen , already anxious about what the others were saying about him behind his back .
20 And , on his way to meet the Prime Minister , Mr Delors bumped his head on the car waiting for him at Heathrow .
21 Geoff is on his way to marry the rich Dorothy , to pay off his debts … .
22 While having his horse shod , Nisbet told John Morton that , with George Woodburn , he was on his way to assist the Covenanters , and persuaded the blacksmith to join them .
23 Ariadne said that she would help Theseus on his journey to find the Minotaur .
24 A disabled man who is unable to speak typed out a message on his computer to call the fire brigade when he woke to find a candle had caused a small fire in his bedroom .
25 Leaning hard on his net to counteract the force of the current , he will scrutinise the oncoming water intensely .
26 Mr Ardzinov is still alive only because he was sleeping on his balcony to escape the heat .
27 The committee said it had no reason to doubt Mr Gummer was out of pocket and it accepted there was no intent on his part to conceal the work .
28 His thick lashes made dark fans on his high cheekbones , and firelight flickering on his face emphasised the planes and angles , turning it into a bronze mask .
29 Old Howard Baker , everyone 's friend , the slightly comic figure with the earnest expression on his face leading the way down the street for the rest of his body , the man who innocently believes whatever he is told , and gets everything slightly wrong .
30 Charles Chaplin left for London , to present his film Limelight , and chose exile when he was told he would be examined on his fitness to re-enter the country he had lived in for forty years .
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