Example sentences of "on the same [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Both these two factors can be seen in an editorial in the right-wing newspaper The Daily Telegraph ( 12.6.1986 ) on the same issue of discrimination in the army .
2 Er that 's my first point on that , the second point on the same issue of the financial case justification .
3 Rather than tending to achieve constantly a similar grade or mark ( whether a low of a high one ) on tests with ever higher standards , they will constantly be increasing their own level of attainment on the same scale of levels .
4 In contrast , rugs produced in India , Pakistan , the Soviet Union , Afghanistan and the Balkans are often extremely difficult to distinguish from one another because they are usually based on the same range of traditional Persian , Turkoman or Caucasian designs ; often the only difference in their appearance is the fineness of the knotting and the skill with which the composition has been achieved .
5 The same bombast , one suspects based on the same sense of uncertainty , was to be heard in the early 1990s from those who would have ‘ discipline ’ imposed from abroad and unrelated to the needs of the domestic economy .
6 Now , for the first time in the history of medical science , a substance has been isolated about which it is possible to say : ‘ If you base your slimming diet on this food you should shed weight more quickly and easily than on a diet based on the same quantity of any other foods . ’
7 Norton 's Coin 's participation in the race was something of a mistake , for Sirrell Griffiths had wanted to run him in the Cathcart Challenge Cup on the same day of the Cheltenham meeting , only to discover that the horse was ineligible .
8 We tended to have the same meal on the same day of the week : roast on Sunday , cold meat on Monday , a steak-and-kidney pie or pudding on Tuesday , stew on Wednesday , salt beef on Thursday , fish on Friday and toad-in-the-hole on Saturday .
9 You must take for twenty-one days religiously , stop for seven , always begin on the same day of the week , got it ?
10 That way your follow-up is always on the same day of the week and is easier to remember and organise .
11 The previous 1991 order was discussed at a slightly later time of night , but on the same day of the week nine months ago , since when there has been no significant change in the construction industry 's circumstances .
12 Never place items of differing thicknesses on the same sheet of blotting paper .
13 This has far reaching consequences at the cultural level not only for learning but also for the design of jobs and even for leisure pursuits which increasingly depend on the same kind of interface .
14 One , one of the most common question of the last weeks are we yes last weeks Sunday visiting that I was involved with in my ward was from people who were perturbed , not about means testing because that is not the word that it was about , but about something that is on the same kind of sphere and that was about whether erm East Gates which decided to be their own managers would also be able to their own tenants and keep the ones that were less suitable away from the ones that knew that they were suitable .
15 If experiments such as creep or stress relaxation are performed on the same sample of a polymer over a range of temperatures a pattern of behaviour is apparent that as long ago as 1943 led to the proposal of a " master curve " to which all observations could be reduced .
16 The personal waste and the loss of all that resource of experience is as humanly catastrophic as the crashing of Brazilian rainforests , and it is on the same level of abandonment .
17 In his view The Lord of the Rings was not a derivative or a metamorphosis of them and Pearl and Comus and Macbeth and all the other works I have mentioned of ‘ mythic ’ or near- ‘ mythic ’ status : instead all of them , including The Lord of the Rings , were splinters of a truth , transformations on the same level of something never clearly expressed , not even ( in entirety ) in the Gospels .
18 She had reduced the voice to something on the same level of annoyance as a heavy breather .
19 The piano sonatas of Sir Michael Tippett are not on the same level of inspiration and invention as his string quartets , symphonies or concertos .
20 David also pointed to Explorers Inn which he claimed , on the same size of land , netted its owner a turnover of $800,000 per year : a
21 Haya de la Torre rejected the Comintern premise that Latin America was set on the same course of development as the European industrial nations .
22 Gp Capt R C Hockey sent Air Mail the excellent photograph of what happened at Kinloss on a dark night in October 1943 when an Anson was approaching to land at the same time — and on the same bit of field — as a Whitley was just starting its take-off run .
23 Only the sailing types appreciated the problems of keeping the same bit of distant coast line ahead on the same point of sailing and in the same position relative to the other boats .
24 Because part of the problem is that there are too many people in agriculture and if you can reduce the population threshold allowed , right , wages will virtually rise , because labour productivity will rise because there is less labour on the same amount of land .
25 Phil Farrand says that he 's spent the last two years building the car and has put hours of work into it … his machine runs on the same amount of power that drives a toaster or a hair dryer so much for ceremony … with the sun blazing down its time to race south … the track is the main Stewart Highway …
26 Now , apparently , he was on the staff of Camilien Houde , the infamous mayor of Montreal , of whom it was said he was running the city on the same basis of protection rackets as some of the big-time gangsters of Chicago .
27 The cut in cash terms is £65 million on the same basis of comparison that I have used throughout my comments .
28 Profits before tax on the same basis of accounting as used previously came in at £248.25m against £252.3m .
29 Profits before tax on the same basis of accounting as used previously came in at £248.25 million , against £252.3 million .
30 It may be an unpalatable thought , but we suspect that to an increasing degree throughout the 1990s brewers and conservationists will find themselves standing on the same side of the fence .
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