Example sentences of "on the [num ord] part of " in BNC.

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1 THE CYGNET RING , earnest pop folk , embark on the second part of their Hopeful Monsters tour , which calls in at
2 For the next root , we use another sweeping matrix based on the second part of ( 5 ) : unc If this square matrix is used to postmultiply A1 we find unc We now iterate on the submatrix unc to determine the last two elements of x3 ; we leave the completion of the solution to the reader. ,
3 He was supposed to be down here on the second part of a double shift .
4 On the second part of my hon. Friend 's question , yes , it is important to enhance the verification and inspection powers of IAEA .
5 This section concentrates on the first part of scanning ; that is , the gathering of information .
6 The remaining operating staff had to work long hours preparing and implementing an evacuation programme for school children , an exercise in which the trams played their part in getting them to the main line railway stations on the first part of their journey away from London .
7 If you change the colours every few rows on the first part of the ‘ turn ’ and reverse the colours on the second part , you get a circular change of colour which is quite marvellous — worth the effort of sewing in the ends !
8 The gloomsters have been proved wrong on the first part of the operation .
9 For a start , there is no clear agreement on what it actually means , with some people putting the emphasis on the first part of the oxymoron , and some on the second .
10 ‘ It is plainly in the interests of the more efficient administration of justice that there should be split trials in appropriate cases , as even where the decision on the first part of a split trial is such that there will have to be a second part , it may be desirable that the decision shall be appealed before incurring the possibly unnecessary expense of the second part .
11 Mr. Gardiner relied on the first part of this quotation as stating the principle of recoverability in wide terms .
12 On the first part of the question , events moved so rapidly in Dublin last night that by the time that I had heard that the Minister had been appointed , I gather that he had also resigned .
13 On the first part of his question , we are anxious to ensure that the republics of Ukraine , Byelorussia , Russia and — my goodness , I have forgotten the other one
14 Looking around , Ashenden noted yet again the readily observable fact that ( doubtless like animals ) tourists from very early on staked out their territories : find them sitting at one particular table for dinner and almost invariably , for breakfast next morning , you would find them sitting at the very same table ; allocate them to particular seats in a coach on the first part of a journey , and as if by some proprietorial right the passengers would thereafter usually veer towards those selfsame seats .
15 Yes , Chair , it 's er , remember at the , the last meeting we touched on the first part of the report , the worry about the issue of closing shops , and rural post offices and garages , and there 's considerable interest from all members er , as to what could be done .
16 But you can see , you can see already that the production rate is no where near good enough to meet the programme and if it 's only on the first part of the seventh floor , bearing in mind we 've got to be working on three floors at the same time , we 're only on the first part of the seventh floor and already we 've got overlaps on day Granted , it 's a major problem .
17 But you can see , you can see already that the production rate is no where near good enough to meet the programme and if it 's only on the first part of the seventh floor , bearing in mind we 've got to be working on three floors at the same time , we 're only on the first part of the seventh floor and already we 've got overlaps on day Granted , it 's a major problem .
18 They also learn the position of the wetlands that provide them with crucial staging posts where they can feed and rest before starting on the next part of their journey .
19 I would , before passing on the next part of our programme , I would like to warmly thank Judy and Simon and Richard and Tony , not only for their presentations , their carefully thought out presentations to give us as broad a span as possible of how they see the priorities , what is happening at this time , but for everything else they do in leading their teams and initiating so many of the exchanges that take place , which adds so much , as has been said by , both by Judy and by other speakers , to carry N C V O forward .
20 Only on the last part of his journey had he put his mind to questions of waxed cloth and canvas , cubic capacity and rates of exchange .
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