Example sentences of "on the [noun] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ At about ten o'clock on May 20th , ’ he began , ‘ a man driving a petrol tanker on the north to south highway of Stowerton by-pass saw a car overturned and in flames on the fast lane of the south to north track .
2 Most turnpiking was done on the north to south roads , although some cross-country in-filling occurred later ; they were less new roads than improvements on old ones , designed particularly to ease the movements of goods and the aristocracy to their country estates .
3 They thought about distribution , and Harris went to see Brian Moore whose Moore-Harness operation had put Private Eye on the road to money .
4 With provincial officials acting in such an enthusiastic manner , the country was once more on the road to chaos .
5 The teacher in the next example has supplied just enough information to start Jonathon on the road to discovery .
6 Faced with the need to take some action , and willing to restrict the death penalty but not to abandon it completely , a classic step on the road to abolition , the Government turned again to the idea of categorizing murders which the Labour Government had attempted , fruitlessly , as a way out of a previous Parliamentary impasse in 1948 .
7 For him , the art world is one small path on the road to superstardom .
8 The sale of Fort Ross in California in 1841 marked a well-defined stage on the road to withdrawal .
9 At 40 , he knows he 's on the road to fortune and admits to spending more time talking with journalists than working over hot ovens in the kitchen .
10 The former British champion from Sunderland took the first step back on the road to championship level by stopping Clarkson with 65 seconds gone of the fifth round .
11 There were quite a few battles before Pearce got British Aerospace on the road to privatisation , particularly with civil servants and ‘ officials who were not really responsible , but tended to sit on the sidelines criticising and always coming up with a reason why you could n't do anything . ’
12 The defeat of Labour was greeted with relief by health service managers , but critics said the NHS was now set on the road to privatisation and a two-tier service .
13 Every journey starts with a single step , but a slip , not a stride , started Gareth and Rachel Rowlands ' dairy enterprise at Brynllys near Borth , Dyfed , on the road to success .
14 The idea that we might feel , that we might be angry , that we might care , that we might even have what are disparagingly known as ‘ gut feelings ’ rather than hard scientific evidence , is held to be something of a problem if you are an environmentalist on the road to success .
15 The series is geared towards the needs of amateur painters starting out on the road to success .
16 Production is now in full swing — a busy time on the road to success .
17 It was former Dublin manager Kevin Heffernan who , McGilligan reckons , helped to put him on the road to success .
18 The African colony to which he returned was regarded by the British government as ‘ advanced ’ — in African terms — which meant that it had made a start on the road to self-government ; however , the Colonial Office reckoned that the goal was still distant .
19 We 're both people of the world , equals on the road to folly .
20 On the road to Laredo they talked student politics , how the US Central Intelligence Agency had financed sections of the National Union of Students .
21 You have to start with the assumption that each plant that you have built , however good of its kind or however modern , is already on the road to obsolescence .
22 Drake ( left ) defeated Clark to set Royal Berkshire on the road to victory against David Lloyd 's Heston
23 Leading by 2 seconds after 2 days , McRae was on the road to victory ; the first for Britain in 16 years .
24 it could expand , unless it could gather strength and produce an army er it was on the road to annihilation which was their the course of erm Chiang Kai-Shek 's was n't it ?
25 On the road to civilisation .
26 He said their proposed tax-raising parliament in Scotland would set the country on the road to bitterness , conflict and separation .
27 It is not known who gave him the letter but it was to set him off on the road to fame and fortune .
28 So , at the age of 31 , instead of standing in court in a pinstripe making pleas in mitigation for the Saturday night disorderly drunks , he is on the road to fame , suitcase and guitar in hand .
29 Leonard Bernstein started on the road to fame in the early nineteen forties when he was assistant conductor with the New York Philharmonic at the age of just twenty five .
30 For his part , Maurice Strong declared that the summit had reached " agreement without sufficient commitment " , and concluded : " I believe that we are on the road to tragedy . "
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