Example sentences of "on the [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This jacked into the recorder , ’ he said , ‘ and this on the earpiece of the phone . ’
2 Up here , Antoinette 's profile was faintly illumined by the night-light which floated in a saucer of water on the wash-stand by the bed .
3 At Macbeth 's Hillock , the grue rises a little cold on the nape of the neck .
4 It hurls itself around the island and in seconds the sea is alive , ugly waves crashing over the boats , white horses flicking over the surface on the hooves of the wind .
5 Among them was G. H. Hitchings , who had worked at Harvard on the quantitative estimation of purines and on the purification of the anti-anaemia principle in liver , and at Western Reserve on studies which led later to the discovery of folic acid .
6 You should always be on the lookout for the markings which can be transformed to suit your own ends .
7 While the splendid John Devereux improved his chances of being named in today 's Great Britain touring squad to Australia , with a fine display from his old rugby union position of centre , they were without too many of their creative players to open a hard-tackling defence which absorbed the pressure and were always on the lookout for the counter-attack .
8 Perhaps he would say it in some lonely place in the hills with someone on the lookout for the searching redcoats .
9 They must always be on the lookout for the stalking feline hunter , whose aim is to get as close as possible before beginning the chase .
10 I 'm always on the lookout for the guys who are around .
11 The Plain English Campaign is again on the lookout for the incomprehensible , and consumer contracts are the latest to come under fire .
12 Her black hair seemed to gush from her scalp and her blue eyes were never still , constantly on the lookout for the next opportunity , the next adventure .
13 The uniform motion of the drum depends on the viscosity of the mercury .
14 In experimental work on the viscosity of the alkanes over a wide range of temperature Doolittle found however that the simple relation where A and B are constants gave a very much better fit to the experimental data , than the Andrade equation From the discussion we have given it is clear that fv is only a linear function of T if the expansion of the liquid is given by the linear equation and this is only true over small temperature ranges .
15 They felt that it was important that public officers concerned with citizens — judges , the police , the armed services , even teachers , doctors land nurses — should receive training on the obligations of the state and on the rights of citizens .
16 Troop Sergeant-Major Haines — landed from ML 6 — reported to Newman and early in the fight lay out in the open with a 2-inch ( 51mm ) mortar firing on the guns across the submarine basin .
17 And remember , the Junta that decided on the invasion of the Malvinas , at least tae of them , were of Italian extraction .
18 By believing the play explores a supposedly innate moral virtue such as nobility , the tragedy can be one focused on the interiority of the character and thus , so the assumption proceeds , it may be considered ‘ great ’ .
19 Now , what we 've decided to do on the formwork for the tanks is to construct er a square frame into formwork er into one hold everything in place while we pour the concrete Onto the programme oh there it is .
20 While studying the relationship between visual stimuli and the EEG , Adrian found that if a regular series of bright flashes was presented to the subject 's eyes there was an equally regular series of blips in the EEG recorded from electrodes on the scalp over the visual areas at the back of the skull .
21 She would have hurried on after an exchange of greetings and comments on the splendour of the morning but he moved forward to take a snip at a dandelion growing on the grass verge and contrived to block her path .
22 And because the upper limit of a microscope 's resolving power depends on the wavelength of the waves illuminating the object under study , Sokolov suggested that an acoustic microscope should in theory be able to resolve images just as well as the standard optical system .
23 The resolving power of a microscope depends not only on the wavelength of the light but also inversely on the aperture of the instrument .
24 Initiating pupils into theology is an essential part of RE , so that they may be on the wavelength of the major religions and be able — if they wish — to use their language and outlooks to make sense of their own personal experience .
25 Yet pupils can not get on the wavelength of the experience of others by bracketing out all aspects of their own .
26 So he sat down again and listened to the story of the Damianis , of their life in Jaffa and of how they fled in 1948 , how David Damiani stood on the stern of the ship off Jaffa port and wished he could have turned round then and gone back to his home .
27 The hole on the stern of the boat , see you got your boat come round like that ,
28 An interesting feature of the results was that the pupils who did not use scissors had higher scores on the non-practical part of the test , but represented fewer pieces of " furniture " on the diagram of the room than those who used scissors .
29 Others crossed the low–and on the old Roman road which had been made on the ridge of the terminal moraine .
30 Mokosh changed herself into a raven and flew back with the turtle-dove to perch on the ridge of the wooden fort .
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