Example sentences of "on [art] [adj] [noun] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 A graph ( Figure ) of the corresponding readings shows that the sensitivity is greatest in the middle of the view field , and less on the lefthand side than the right .
2 When assessing your budget plans , it is as well to err on the cautious side as regards the additional income you will be likely to earn as — although this has been improving — many so called ‘ retirement jobs ’ are notoriously badly paid .
3 Vitamin C is on the low side so it would be a good idea to have some citrus fruit like an orange or some fruit juice each day , and to have some vegetables with the evening meal .
4 The one drawback is that bounce is not very efficient in its use of lighting power compared with direct lighting , and you may find that the illumination level is on the low side unless you are using floodlamps of high wattage .
5 It 's very good good erm good thing for the party and they 're usually quite starved of practical campaigning ideas and so we regularly try every at least every year to go and do a tour and erm we 've been giving them we we 're trying to rope them in on the various activities because they 're crying out for
6 When auditors give qualified reports , they should refer to all material matters about which they have reservations , giving their reasons in each case together with a quantification of its effect on the financial statements if this is both relevant and practicable .
7 Proof that the XM performs just as admirably on the financial side as it does on the road .
8 The causal direction hypothesis predicts that performance will be better on the causal task than on the temporal task .
9 These results support the causal direction hypothesis , since performance is significantly better on the causal task than on the temporal task for each age group .
10 The context of this calm acquiescence is a rise in what I will call semi-literacy , which relies on the visual image and hardly at all on the printed word except as a medium of advertising , and genuinely can not see what the problem is .
11 In other words , the 1 , 2 , 3 … points on the screen only correspond with 1″ , 2″ , 3″ … on the printed page when 10 pitch ( pica ) characters are to be printed .
12 Annie must have been tired , but she drove quickly and cleverly , overtaking on the narrow road when she could and leaving Ellwood stranded .
13 Use a mortar mix of 1 part masonry cement to 4½ parts soft sand , and keep the mix on the dryish side so it does n't slump when blocks are laid on it
14 When the sun moved round she too had moved to the doorstep , her sleeves rolled up and concentrating half on the book and half on the remembered scene until her mother had arrived , walking up the street where they had both walked so many times before .
15 In this case , Target will be liable for stamp duty on the hive-down agreement unless this can be deferred by executing and retaining the hive-down agreement outside the UK or otherwise mitigating the amount of stamp duty that becomes payable .
16 Nanchang CJ-6A N3104U was sold on the 18th for $ 40,000 and then the buyer re-entered the aircraft on the 19th auction where it did not sell .
17 In a fit of crazy violence she began to run one arm backwards and forwards on the rusty metal until it began to bleed .
18 Nor , on the present occasion when the machine does produce a bar , is there a circumstance that necessitates that .
19 Certainly , according to Hardie , ‘ in the case of allocating insurance premiums on particular lines of cover when setting individual budgets for the following year , head offices could look at their operating units ’ past claims records and load them on the poor performers while even awarding the equivalent of no claims bonuses to the good ones .
20 On the five occasions when his mother is the object of Chas ' thoughts , his attitudes comprise frustration , boredom , relief from shame , disgust and exasperation :
21 It is , however , noticeable that Disraeli models his new feudalism less on the great houses than on the monasteries of the past .
22 However I had no wish to disappoint everyone concerned by postponing by visit to the Palace and , with a lot of help from friends and family I finally made it to London on the great day albeit a shadow of my former self .
23 Keep the mix on the dry side so it does n't stain the concrete surface .
24 Make the jelly pouring on the boiling water until it is all dissolved then add the orange juice .
25 The Duke had cause for worry , yet as he strolled down the rue Royale he was forced to put a brave face on the desperate odds lest his enemies took courage from his despair.The Duke could also cling to one strong hope , namely that his scratch army would not fight Napoleon alone , but alongside Prince Blücher 's Prussians .
26 The National Assembly ( elected in July — see p. 38994 ) was to be inaugurated on the latter date as planned .
27 Contact Carole or Jackie on the above numbers if you would like to know more about the club .
28 The fuel system had three different sized pipes all leaking and one set to self destruct on the hot manifold as were two of the water pipes to the rear heater .
29 On the rare occasion when over 15–20 pages seems justified add an index page immediately after the management summary and before the introductory section .
30 One was strange , because it was about an old lady who meant nothing to me at all ; I hardly knew her and only saw her on the rare occasions when I went into her family shop two or three hundred yards from us .
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