Example sentences of "on [noun sg] [verb] from the " in BNC.

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1 She was lifted bodily aboard by two sailors and carried down to a panelled cabin where she and Maria Candida were to live during the voyage ; and when she had been helped out of her clothes and into simpler garments that were more suited to life on board ship , she insisted upon going on deck to watch from the aftercastle as the mariners sang at the capstan and the anchors were weighed .
2 This was received in the next room on Creed teleprinters from the wires of the Canadian Press .
3 At the moment museums are only exempt from VAT on income generated from the display of their permanent collections .
4 This is obviously having a detrimental effect on textile exports from the region .
5 For some of the bronzes , lead isotope ratios have now been obtained on lead extracted from the samples , and from two lead ore samples from the Benue Rift .
6 Ripa Di Meana said that the Commission was also considering effecting ( i ) a total ban on waste exports from the EC ; ( ii ) severe restrictions on waste movements between the EC countries ; and ( iii ) a ban on the dumping of raw sewage into the sea .
7 In this study , the fibre score was based on the total fibre intake , and not just on fibre derived from the standardised wheat bran .
8 Since people are not necessarily interchangeable it may be necessary on occasion to depart from the priority order .
9 Since people are not necessarily interchangeable it may be necessary on occasion to depart from the priority order .
10 It seems that this change is based on advice received from the Royal Society of Chemistry , though it has not been applied in the latest issue of Chemistry in Britain , neither can I recollect having seen it mention any possibility of change .
11 Lewis was almost treeless from quite early times until Lady Matheson planted up the grounds of Lews Castle in Stornoway in the middle of the last century , largely on soil imported from the mainland as ballast .
12 Turkington made a further experiment in which he introduced the four clone types of white clover into pure swards of the four grass species that had been sown on soil sampled from the experimental field .
13 Drug related adverse clinical events were mainly trivia , but led to three patients on cisapride and one on placebo withdrawing from the trial .
14 The people least likely to be able to find £24–95 to buy the first set of reports on science teaching from the Assessment Performance Unit ( APU ) of the Department of Education and science * , the latest volume of which has just been published .
15 The people least likely to be able to find £24–95 to buy the first set of reports on science teaching from the Assessment Performance Unit ( APU ) of the Department of Education and science * , the latest volume of which has just been published .
16 Not all the energy released on heating comes from the crystals , since some will be from radioactivity absorbed from the soil , and different types of crystal vary in their ability to absorb energy .
17 As he had argued in Totem and Taboo , murder occurred in the first human groups , and the prohibition on killing came from the father .
18 Finally the research is based on information collected from the ASWs themselves .
19 While it is the task of oppositions to oppose , the veracity of that opposition is dependent on the mass media , just as public judgements about the competence of that opposition rely on information derived from the mass media .
20 An accord on food provision in 1992 had been signed on Nov. 5 between the 12 republics , banning restrictions on food exports from the republics , and delegating the conclusion of agreements on purchasing food from foreign states to the IEC .
21 Other riverfront industrial developments , e.g. Smith 's Dock , occurred on owner-occupied land or on land leased from the Port Authority .
22 Heavy reclamation walls were built from time to time as the docks were extended seawards and today , the dock estate lies entirely on land reclaimed from the foreshore .
23 In 1987 , a pilot reed-bed system doused with domestic waste was set up by Fife Regional Council at Torry Bay on land reclaimed from the Firth of Forth .
24 In May candidates sit written examinations based on material drawn from the course ; they must also show a basic facility to program in Prolog , for which there is an appropriate introductory course .
25 A hotel porter said he saw people on fire running from the block .
26 A hotel porter said he saw people on fire running from the block .
27 Then a woman on horseback burst from the wood , stumbled through the shallow stream-waters and struggled on to the field .
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