Example sentences of "on [pos pn] [noun sg] [vb past] the " in BNC.

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1 At a later date I went to evening classes and with this suit still on my mind asked the instructor 's advice .
2 The daily rotation of the earth on its axis had the advantage that it eliminated the need for the huge outermost sphere to revolve every twenty-four hours .
3 The mothers did not suspect anything until Mrs Bursey noticed a name tag on her baby showed the mother as Marie Coyle .
4 ‘ Guyana , ’ she lilted as one of the keys on her ring opened the topmost door on the last floor of the ramshackle old house .
5 The neighbour who denounced the cow 's owner for casting a spell on her husband gripped the dock with her hands till her brown knuckles went white .
6 Sullivan crawled to the relative security of the chancery 's central corridor and on his walkie-talkie ordered the US marines guarding the compound not to resist , still less to shoot anyone .
7 His thick lashes made dark fans on his high cheekbones , and firelight flickering on his face emphasised the planes and angles , turning it into a bronze mask .
8 A jolly young waiter with a Gloucestershire accent and the stars and stripes emblazoned on his apron lit the candle lamp on their table and gave them each a menu .
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