Example sentences of "on [adv] [adv] [pers pn] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 for stage one on here so it can just go across them .
2 We could only carry on like this for so long , and it all depended on how well we could sleep during the day .
3 Our personas will be more or less realistic depending on how well we can identify their prototypes , and how linguistically adept we are at mimicking them .
4 ‘ Our purpose is to satisfy customer requirements in industries as varied as , for example , oilfield services , detergents and the automotive field , and our whole future success depends on how well we can do this .
5 The success of a brood parasite like the European cuckoo depends on how well it can ‘ dupe ’ its host , whether reed warbler or dunnock .
6 If " Creole " is a second dialect rather than a second language , delaying its acquisition until adolescence will still have a limiting effect on how well it can be learned .
7 He also offers the latest advice on how soon you should start training again .
8 I was sixteen without a care in the world and my only thoughts at that time were on how soon I could get hold of my own barrow .
9 ‘ There was too much emphasis on how fast we could grow , ’ he says , but adds that the company is still turning down about 70 per cent of those who apply for an Amex card .
10 Whether they do depends on how easily they can adapt to the relentless street cred , visual gimmickry and ubiquitous dance rhythms generally essential to the Street-Porter school of programme-making .
11 A CONVOY of black limousines conveyed the 31 Lebanese Muslim MPs in Saudi Arabia on an extra-parliamentary pilgrimage to Mecca yesterday afternoon , leaving their 31 Christian colleagues behind in Taif to ruminate on how best they might protect Christian political power in a new Lebanon .
12 The Hewlett-Packard Co and IBM Corp ‘ Unified Unix ’ effort is now thought to be part of a much broader set of strategic discussions that the two companies are having on how best they can collaborate on a wide range of technologies , today 's edition of our sister paper Unigram.X reports .
13 Hewlett-Packard Co and IBM Corp 's ‘ Unified Unix ’ effort is thought to be part of a much broader set of strategic discussions the two firms are having on how best they can collaborate on a wide range of technologies .
14 Patten also announced a comprehensive package of social and economic reforms , including the establishment of a monetary authority to ensure monetary stability , the establishment of a business council to advise the Governor " on how best we can sustain our economic growth " , a review of freedom of information and press laws , the introduction of a citizens ' charter to make bureaucracy more accountable , and the abolition of capital punishment .
15 Chandler observes that the steward will on occasions consult with his employer on how best he should manage his estate and may often wish to suggest new policies or point out deficiencies in existing strategies .
16 And then they will he will send you a written report on how best you should invest your money .
17 But no one agreed on who should lead the next government , nor on how long it should last .
18 A gradual , continuously varying effect , indeed , on how long you can expect to live .
19 He drew her close again and they fell silent , Rachel reflecting on how hard it must have been for David not to have told her what had really happened between himself and her sister , then another thought struck her .
20 The Government 's argument is always based on how much it would cost to implement a local income tax system .
21 Expatriates need to be briefed on how much it will cost to keep their families in the overseas location .
22 I think a lot will depend on how quickly we can all encourage North American tourists to come to Britain .
23 Your company stands or falls on how quickly it can handle information .
24 How far this will work depends on how far we can inject into cross-curricular work the essence of our ideas and make them genuine focuses of our work ( and not peripheral elements ) .
25 As JAA expands , its costs will increase , but the JAA Board have put very tight limits on how far it can go .
26 It is a gradual , continuously varying effect on how far you can walk , and how fast .
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