Example sentences of "on [pron] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll tell you what happened today — a man I barely know forced himself on me in a snowy field , that 's what happened today . ’
2 Some time later I was informed that I had been awarded the Verdienstkreuz or West German Order of Merit , First Class , which their ambassador pinned on me in a charming family ceremony at the Embassy in Grosvenor Square .
3 It has been suggested that the special fear of the cat jumping up on them in an unexpected way is the result of cat phobics ' general dislike of spontaneity and fear of the suddenly surprising .
4 The best trainees and established dealers had little beyond brief academic demands made on them in the early days .
5 ( Grimmitt 1973 ) , which advocated the dimensional alongside the existential approach to RE , advised intermingling the experiential , mythological and ritual dimensions and focusing on them in the primary school , adding the social and ethical together for lower Secondary , and finally bringing in the doctrinal with the upper forms of Secondary schools , as this dimension is the most difficult to cope with ( pp. 50 , 92f ) .
6 Meanwhile , manager Billy Bingham was happy with his team 's victory on a rain-sodden pitch in Vilnius but admitted : ‘ We put pressure on ourselves in the second half .
7 The number of tau neutrinos created in the big bang can be worked out ; if they did not decay into other particles , and weighed 17 keV , then the universe would be more than 200 times heavier than it appears — so heavy that it would have collapsed in on itself in a big crunch eons ago .
8 look down on you in the middle class !
9 You are not helping the players , because if you try to do that they will come to rely on you in the actual performance .
10 Melanie experimentally walked into it and pulled the door to on herself in a cool smell of cheese and mildew .
11 Now , as she came back to the present , Lady Merchiston 's own eyes were on her in a compelling look , demanding an answer .
12 AU eyes were on her in a bright red cretonne two-piece and Normandy satin hat with wide frill .
13 Baroness Thatcher too is an Oxford graduate , but when moves were made to confer an honorary degree on her in the nineteen eighties , she was turned down by the same people , amid stormy controversy .
14 There are to be two features on her in the illustrated papers , Uncle Lionel says .
15 She felt a flood of heat as he stared down at her , felt the deepening intensity of his gaze on her in the few seconds before his mouth descended slowly to take possession of her lips .
16 The latter spends much of the evening dressed in drag as a Restoration Avon Lady , and the scene in which Sir Formal makes violent amorous advances on him in a darkened cellar is the crowning glory of this marvellously entertaining show .
17 Elinor dreamily remembered what it was like to feel that your lover possessed all the wonderful qualities you wanted , before you realized that he did n't possess them , and that perhaps you had forced those qualities on him in the first place .
18 That was why Aunt Alicia took pity on him in the first place , Jenny had said , because he had nowhere to put his horses .
19 Mattox 's campaign presented her silence on this subject as an expression of guilt , although the drugs issue backfired on him in the final days of the campaign when witnesses claimed to have seen him smoking marijuana in the early 1970s , a claim which he vehemently denied .
20 ‘ Ow long are you weeth us , Reeky ? ’ asked Claudia , who 'd had a secret crush on him in the old days and was appalled to see how grey and tense he looked .
21 She said that because he was a volunteer she felt she could not call on him in the same way as with a paid worker .
22 They find some woollen garment or other soft furnishing in the house and then settle down on it in a contented fashion .
23 As a result , by 1956/7 , although there remained a cumulative backlog of nearly 1800MW of uncompleted power station capacity , the system was capable of meeting the demands placed on it in a mild winter , and power cuts had by then become a rare occurrence .
24 Because of DM/SVR4 's Transport Library Interface ( TLI ) , it will not need OSF 's DCE to run , though it will apparently run on it in a later release as it will also be DME-compatible .
25 Honey magazine recognized this and acted on it in an extraordinary way with the launch of the ‘ Honey boutiques ’ in the major conurbations , so that the groovy styles portrayed in the magazine could be had by hitherto deprived readers in whatever part of the sticks they had the misfortune to live , with no more trouble than a Saturday day return fare .
26 The acknowledged purpose of RE is to help pupils towards an understanding of religion so that they can reflect on it in an informed way .
27 He had a cup of tea at Carrie 's today just you know , checking the tape and making sure that people 's names are on it in the correct order and what did you do ?
28 But it is certainly possible , at least , that he survived the Cross — if , indeed , it was he who was on it in the first place , rather than the substitute claimed by the Koran and by many early heresies .
29 My film adaptation of Anthony Delano 's richly comic book slip-Up ’ How Fleet Street caught Ronnie Biggs and Scotland Yard lost him ’ cost the not unastronomical sum of £600,000 to make , so should it turn out to be money down the drain the BBC will have to face some embarrassing questions about why it embarked on it in the first place if it thought the story might be defamatory .
30 If a UK beneficiary is entitled to the trust income because , for example , he has an interest in possession , the income may form part of his total income and he would pay tax on it in the normal way .
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