Example sentences of "on [art] [det] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 IT is hoped that 1993 will see the first working of an ex-B.R. main line loco on the former Mangotsfield to Bath branch when Bulleid Un rebuilt Battle of Britain 34072 ‘ 257 Squadron ’ makes a visit to the Avon Valley Railway .
2 As seasonal temperatures cool , hot and cold air meet , forming a seal over the industrialised valley of the Bilina and Labe ( German Elbe ) rivers on the former border with East Germany .
3 The cows have gone to the cycle path on the former Consett to Sunderland railway line .
4 Will the right hon. Gentleman reconsider the generosity he bestowed on the former Leader of the House , the right hon. Member for Shropshire , North ( Mr. Biffen ) , who moved the guillotine motion on the original poll tax measure applying to Scotland ?
5 In November 1989 tea farmers protested about the low prices paid by the Kenya Tea Development Authority , and on Jan. 9 , 1990 , Moi ruled that tea farmers would be paid KSh3.00 per kg , a substantial increase on the former rate of KSh1.90 .
6 He plans to continue on the all weather at Southwell and Lingfield up to Christmas .
7 If he translates word-for-word , he will achieve greater fidelity in one respect ( , for instance , evokes the same picture as put the cat among the pigeons ) , but to the detriment of fidelity in another respect ( is a live metaphor , while is not ) ; if , however , he puts a greater value on the latter type of fidelity , then he must sacrifice the former .
8 Perhaps the biggest surprise was the amount of fun the Fiesta provided on the latter type of roads , thanks to a willing engine and gearbox , precise if slightly heavy steering and those narrow tyres which , nevertheless , provided exactly the right amount of grip .
9 However , as before , No 7819 started in spectacular fashion only to falter on the latter part of the climb .
10 An aftercast of the winds and study of the Canadian forecast for the period of the flight reveals the presence of a jet stream between 33,000 and 35,000 feet on the latter part of the route with winds up to 134 knots .
11 On the latter part of the hon. Gentleman 's question , he will know that the Foreign Ministers of the European Community considered the subject earlier this week and made it plain that , when considering recognition , regard would be had to the extent to which the republics were ready to undertake the treaty obligations to which the hon. Gentleman referred .
12 If the court finds the time limit unreasonable but the limitation on damages reasonable , it can allow reliance on the latter part of the clause only .
13 Although progress was somewhat faster on privately-owned land than on allotment land , crop yields on the latter rose between 1861 and 1910 by almost 50 per cent .
14 Three local authorities decided on the latter form of action in the case of Her Majesty 's Attorney General at and by the Relation of Salford City Council , the Eccles Borough Council and the Urmston Urban District Council v C.P.C. ( UK ) Ltd. in respect of offensive odours allegedly emanating from the defendant 's works .
15 However , most studies focus on the latter set of typifications .
16 As was made clear in the debate today , there is agreement — on both sides , I think — on the latter parts of the Bill dealing with higher education , although here , too , we are providing reasonable time for consideration in Committee .
17 The fifth man is , he was a gunner and armourer and flew in the and the man furthest on the right standing is from Chualar C H U A L A R California , he was a waste gunner for two waste gunners on the each end of the standing group .
18 I have been using pastels for at least 30 years and in all that time I have never once seen a warning to this effect in either art books or on the many boxes of pastels that I have purchased .
19 I have been using pasters for at least 30 years and in all that time I have never once seen a warning to this effect in either art books or on the many boxes of pastels that I have purchased .
20 In the ‘ Hunt ’ Quartet the single note , on the many appearances of the theme throughout the movement , never has a dot or a stroke .
21 A firm of solicitors experienced in this work will also be able to advise on the many areas of law which impinge on the conduct of takeover offers .
22 Its growth was to cause a storm of protest in the next century from archbishops less inclined to travel than Sigeric ; but we need not doubt that it arose because Sigeric and his like were delighted to have an excuse to go on pilgrimage , and the diary he has left of his movements dwells especially on the many churches in Rome worth a pilgrim 's attention .
23 He launches a detailed attack on the many aspects of scholastic teaching which had their basis in the logical works of Aristotle 's Organon .
24 Publicity officer Frances Hopwood told the Herald : ‘ It would be a difficult task trying to report on the many aspects of Le Court which have benefited from her influence and forward thinking during these 19 years but it is thanks to her that Le Court has evolved to be the ‘ flagship of the Leonard Cheshire Foundation ’ . ’
25 Well I , I I , I do n't mind how it 's done but erm I hear nothing on the many people on , you know , who talk about erm giving aid erm a dread from this problem is this vast erm amount of the G M P and going on armaments and going on one way and another .
26 Even when they are provided for it usually amounts to their being dumped on the few professionals from black and ethnic groups .
27 On the few occasions on which she and Hugh had met since that time , neither of them had ever said a word about that holiday .
28 THE generally held belief that the marriage of Diana and Charles has broken down seems to depend on photographs of the couple on the few occasions on which they appear together in public .
29 Runners and spinnaker sheets and guys double up on the same winches by using sheet jammers and , while this might be fine for a highly tuned crew , a less well-trained outfit might find it demanding .
30 This enables several users to work simultaneously on the same document by locking on to the section relevant to them , rather than accessing the entire thing .
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